View Job Applications

The Recruiting team can view all the applications submitted for a specific requisition.

If the hiring team wants to look into the requisition or application, they can do so using the deep link provided with the requisition and application.

Intended user: Hiring team

Sample phrases you can use:

  • View all job applications
  • View job information
  • Show job applications
  • Applications for a requisition
  • Application for a job
  • How many applications
  • How many applicants
  • Job applications
  • Show me all applications
  • Show me all applicants
  • Show job applications
  • Show me job applications
  • View applications
  • View job applications
  • Show submissions

Sample synonyms/words: applications, applicants

Things to note: Users need to log in, authenticate to gain access, and view the required information. If they don't have proper permissions assigned to the role, they will not be able to view the requested information.