Considerations to Create a Flow Pattern

Use the Create icon on the Payroll Flow Patterns page and create your own flow pattern. Add delivered tasks or processes in a sequential order to build the flow.

Optionally, you can copy a delivered flow pattern and add or delete tasks from the flow pattern as required. For example, use the delivered Expedited Payroll flow pattern to identify, calculate, and make expedited payments. You can add the Run Payments Register task to the delivered flow, to make a record of the payments made.

Review predefined flow patterns and flow patterns you have created. You can't edit predefined flow patterns, but you can edit your patterns, including adding and removing tasks, rearranging the task sequence, and editing the flow parameters, and task parameters.

Note: You can only edit certain components of a delivered flow pattern. To create a user-defined flow pattern, you must first copy the delivered flow pattern, rename the flow pattern, and then make edits to the renamed flow pattern.

For more details, refer to the topic, 'How Do I Copy and Edit a Flow Pattern' in the Help Center.

These are the list of tasks that you must complete to create a flow pattern.



Create or copy a flow pattern

Create or copy a flow pattern and add, delete, or move a task in the flow pattern to create your own user-defined flow. All flow patterns are built within a legislative data group (LDG). When you create a flow pattern select an LDG. For more information, refer to 'How Do I Copy and Edit a Flow Pattern' and 'Examples of Editing Flow Patterns' topics in the Help Center.

Add tasks and activities

A flow pattern consists of one or more activities. You can include all the activities for the entire payroll cycle, such as the predefined flow pattern for the payroll cycle, or select fewer activities to manage payroll processing with several flows, such as a flow pattern to prepare and calculate your weekly payroll, and a flow pattern to manage the payments.

If necessary, rename the task and description, and change the activity or task group. For example, place all your reports under Statutory activity and rename each verification task to include the report name.

Define task and flow parameters

Task action parameters control how the application processes a task and how the task relates to other tasks in the flow pattern. On the Task Parameters page, review and if necessary, update the parameters.

The flow parameters include those task parameters that the application can't derive without manual entry. Flow parameters are a subset of task action parameters. They supply the information required to successfully complete the tasks in the flow pattern.

On the Parameters page, select the parameters to submit and complete the tasks in the flow pattern. You can add new flow parameters from the list of available task parameters, or update the details of the existing flow parameters.

For more information refer, to 'Flow Pattern Parameters' topic in the Help Center.

Sequence the flow tasks

On the Task Sequence page, review the task sequence and reorder, add or delete tasks, as required. All flow patterns begin with a Start task and conclude with an End task. Edit each task, specifying a sequence number on the Edit Task Details: Owners and Checklist page.

For more information refer, to 'Sequencing Rules for Flows and Locked Tasks' topic in the Help Center.

Tasks are sequential but you can start processing more than one task concurrently. For example you can run reports concurrently along with the process. For more information on how you can run tasks concurrently, refer to 'How can I run tasks concurrently in a flow?' in the Help Center.

Assign task ownership

On the Edit Task Details: Owner and Checklist page, select the task owner. You can also select multiple owners for a flow.

For more information, refer to 'Multiple Owners for a Flow' and 'How Do I Edit a Flow Pattern and Create Multiple Owners' topics in the Help Center.

Schedule flow tasks

Define a schedule and select it here. Otherwise use the 'As soon as possible' option to run the flow as soon as you submit it.

Add task notifications

Use notifications to give flow owners adequate time before a task starts, to prepare and address any issues. You can add notifications on the Tasks page.

Enable HCM Alerts and use predefined alerts to update you on status of your flow tasks.

Allow processing even if a prior task errors

Set the value of the Allow Processing column as Yes for each task in the flow that you want to run, irrespective of the status of a prior task, in the same flow or a cross flow. The tasks in the flow continue to process until it encounters a manual task or a task on the checklist that doesn't have the Allow Processing value set to Yes.

You must then manually set a manual task as complete to enable the flow to resume processing.

Connect Flows

Use the Connected Flows field to select flows that you want to connect to the current flow, to consolidate the run results.

Flow Security

After reviewing and submitting the flow pattern, create the security profile for the flow pattern. The HCM data role security determines which payroll flows you can submit or view.

For more information, refer to 'How HCM Data Roles and Flow Security Work Together' topic in the Help Center.