Onboarding Tasks

As a new hire, you will have tasks to do when you join a new organization. You go to Me > Onboarding to view, track, and complete your tasks.

You can select a task, view the task notes, add a task to your calendar, and mark a task as complete. Your onboarding sponsor could be your line manager, HR manager, or HR representative whom you can contact for help.

Task Actions

Your onboarding could happen in steps, so in each step you will have specific tasks to do and by a specific date. So some steps are enabled and some disabled. Your tasks can be required, like getting your ID card on the first day or optional like signing up for gym membership later. You can also have a locked task. A locked task is tied to another task that you need to complete first. For example, you could be required to sign a confidentiality agreement before you can update personal details in an internal website. If you're unable to complete a task by the specified date, it's marked overdue. Your manager can remind you about such tasks. But, whether it's mandatory or optional, if the task remains open even after the due date it automatically moves to the next step if another step exists.