Person Spotlight

You can view public information about a person in the person spotlight. The information that you see in a worker's person spotlight depends on your security privileges.

You can access the person spotlight when you click the person's name on these pages:

  • Directory Search Results

  • My Team

  • Team Talent

  • Team Compensation

  • Person Smart Navigation

What Line Managers Can Do

Line managers can see their workers' information in the person spotlight, and take certain actions depending on the security configuration of their role. For example, they can do these actions:

  • Promote, transfer, or terminate workers

  • Manage workers' salary and compensation

  • Share worker information with third parties

  • Plan workers' careers

  • Specify goals for their workers

  • Enter feedback for workers.

What Workers Can Do

Workers can see and change their public information in the person spotlight. For example, they can do these things:

  • Change their photo

  • Maintain their contact information such as phone number and email address.

  • Add social networks they're subscribed to

  • Add their areas of interest and expertise

  • Send messages to people

  • Manage their document records such as visas, licenses, and awards

  • Share information with others

For all other self-service actions such as changing the address, and viewing benefits, payslips, and compensation, workers must use the Personal Information work area.

What HR Specialists Can Do

HR Specialists can see their workers' information in the person spotlight, and take certain actions depending on the security configuration of their role. For example, they can do these actions:
  • Promote, transfer, or terminate workers
  • Manage workers' salary and compensation
  • Share worker information with third parties
  • Plan workers' careers
  • Specify goals for their workers
  • Enter feedback for workers

What Other Users Can Do

Users such as payroll managers, payroll administrators, and matrix managers can manage their workers' information in the person spotlight. The tasks and actions available to them depend on the security configuration of their role. For example, they can do these actions:
  • Payroll administrators can enter element entries for a worker and submit a QuickPay calculation.
  • Managers including matrix managers can manage performance and development goals of the person whose spotlight page they’re viewing. They can also create succession plans for them.