Statutory Deduction Report for Canada

The Statutory Deduction Report lists the different deductions that are considered as statutory and is used to assist employers in remitting their payroll statutory tax remittances to the various government or statutory agencies. It is used in conjunction with the SOE, Balance Views and various payroll reports for diagnostic purposes, in order to verify the amounts deducted and submitted for each PSU.

The Statutory Deduction Register identifies the wages and taxes paid by both the employee and employer. It has both a summary and detail mode.

To generate the report, submit the Run Statutory Deduction Report on the Submit a Flow page. Use Submit a Flow under Payroll in My Client Groups on your Home page.

Run this report after completing the Calculate Payroll or any other task that impacts payroll balances.

Report Parameters

The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.


Select the scope of this report. Select Detail to generate a report that includes details of deductions listed for each employee. Otherwise, select Summary.

Process Start Date and End Date

Select the range of dates that capture the desired reporting period.


To run this report for a single payroll, select the required payroll name. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all payrolls.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a subset of payrolls. You can select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the consolidation groups.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Select a value to report on the balances of employees in a specific payroll statutory unit (PSU). If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all PSUs.

Tax Reporting Unit

Select a value to report on the balances of employees in a specific tax reporting unit (TRU). If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the TRUs.

Balance Category

Use this field to run this report for one of these balance categories.

  • Employee Tax Deductions

  • Employer Liabilities

  • Employer Taxes

  • Involuntary Deductions

If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all of the above balance categories.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to verify deduction balances for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify a value only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the defined payroll relationship groups.


Use this field to limit the report results to a single person. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all people included in the selected payroll run.

Hide Records with Zero Values

Select Yes to skip records with null or 0 values.


Use this field to view the deduction results for employees who have at least one assignment for the selected location. The balance values may not necessarily correspond to the location parameter only. It’s also dependent on the dimensions and the other associated contexts.

If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the locations.

Latest Process YTD Total Only

If you select No, the report lists current (run) balances based on the value selected for the Balances Reported parameter against every process that’s included by the report parameters. For example, if there are three payroll calculations run between the start and end dates of the report, the report lists the statutory deduction balances in three sets, one for each process.

If you select Yes, the report includes year-to-date totals from only the last process run prior to the specified end date, such as the last process run for each TRU or PSU. However, it’s recommended to run the Statutory Deduction Register for the Latest Process instead.

Balances Reported

Use this field to run this report for payment balances, nonpayment balances, or both, as given here.

  • Payment Only: Includes balances included in the payments process.
  • Nonpayment Only: Includes balances that aren't included in the payments process.

If you leave the field blank, the report includes all balances.

Process Configuration Groups

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as enabling logging or setting the number of threads. You can select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Report Category

A report category is a group of delivery options. Select a value to determine the set of delivery options for this report submission. You can define your own delivery option and include it in the report category. For example, you can define a report category to use a combination of both PDF and Excel delivery options for a single submission of the report.

For further info, see Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports in the Help Center.

Run Mode

Use this parameter to decide if the report must retain or discard the transient data it creates during the report execution. The default value is Normal, the temporary transient data produced during report execution is discarded.

Select Debug only to investigate an issue with the report output or when instructed by Oracle Support.

The Normal option discards the temporary data.

Report Results

This process generates either a Summary or Detail output report, depending on the Scope you select.


The summary report provides a list of deductions by:

  • Balance Category
  • PSU and TRU
  • Balance Name
  • References

For each combination of the above, the report shows the balance for the base amount and the deduction amount. The base balance is the basis on which the statutory deduction is calculated. The summary report doesn’t breakdown the balances by employee.

The PDF output has these summary sections with sub-totals in each section as given here:

  • Balances and Balance Categories Summary with sub-totals for each balance category.
  • Balances and Balance Categories by PSU and TRU Summary with sub-totals for each balance category within each PSU and TRU.
  • Balances by Payroll and Process Type Summary with sub-totals for each balance category within each PSU and TRU for each payroll process.

The Excel output displays the current base amount and the deduction amount for each balance, but it has no sub-totals or higher level summary sections. You can download the Excel and add Pivot tables to create your own groupings and sub-totals as required. For example, you can find the balance amounts for each balance category within each PSU by payroll process.

Detail Report

In addition to the summary balances shown by the Summary report, the detail report also breaks down the balances by person.

The PDF output has these summary sections with sub-totals in each section as given here:

  • Balances and Balance Categories Summary with sub-totals for each balance category.
  • Balances and Balance Categories by PSU and TRU Summary with sub-totals for each balance category within each PSU and TRU.
  • Balances by Person Summary.
  • Balance Details for a Person with sub-totals for each balance and balance category within each payroll process. This section also includes year-to-date amounts for base and deduction balances.

The Excel output displays the current and year-to-date amounts for the base and the deduction balances, but it has no sub-totals or higher level summary sections. You can download the Excel and add Pivot tables to create your own groupings and sub-totals as required.

Generating the Statutory Deduction Report for Additional Dimensions

In addition to showing Year-to-Date balances, you can generate the Statutory Deduction Report for the Latest Process to show payroll balances for Month-to-Date (MTD), Period-to-Date (PTD), and Inception-to-Date (ITD or Lifetime) balances.

To extend this report for MTD, PTD, and ITD or Lifetime balances, first determine which of the additional balance dimension types (PTD, MTD, and ITD) you want reported, and for which balances.

Use the Balance Group Usages task from Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page the to add the additional balance dimensions to the report.

Follow these steps to extend this report for Month-to-Date (MTD), Period-to-Date (PTD), and Inception-to-Date (ITD or Lifetime) balances.

  1. Search and select the Balance Group Usages task.
  2. Select Global Statutory Deductions Report in the Report Type field.
  3. Select the Legislative Data Group.
  4. Enter Base Balances for Statutory Deductions in the Name field and click Search.

    The search result displays all the applicable balance group usages for the Global Statutory Deductions Report.

  5. Select the Base Balances for Statutory Deductions row and click Edit.
  6. Select Matrix Items on the left panel and click Add to add a new matrix item.
  7. In the Matrix Item section, select the Balance Dimension matrix type.

    For the Base Balances for Statutory Deductions report balance group usage, determine the appropriate balance dimension name that has the relevant contexts. Use the existing balance group usage item for YTD as a reference. For example, if the balance dimension name used for YTD is Relationship Tax Unit Year to Date, you should use Relationship Tax Unit Period to Date for PTD.

  8. Select the name of the wanted Balance Dimension and enter a position value.
  9. Click Save and then click Submit.

The list of balance group usage item dimensions delivered to support this report include:

  • Relationship Tax Unit Period to Date
  • Relationship Tax Unit Inception to Date
  • Relationship Tax Unit Month to Date
  • Relationship Tax Unit,Province Period to Date
  • Relationship Tax Unit,Province Month to Date
  • Relationship Tax Unit,Province Inception to Date

The list of existing balances available to display on the report are:

  • CPP Employee Reduced Subject
  • CPP Employer Reduced Subject
  • EI Employee Reduced Subject
  • EI Employer Reduced Subject
  • Federal Tax Reduced Subject
  • QPIP Employee Reduced Subject
  • QPIP Employer Reduced Subject
  • QPP Employee Reduced Subject
  • QPP Employer Reduced Subject
  • Provincial Medical Subject
  • Provincial Tax Reduced Subject
  • Payroll Tax Reduced Subject
  • Workers Compensation Subject

Only the Text (CSV) and Excel formats of the report include the PTD, MTD and ITD values. The PDF format is not impacted.