Tax Calculation Report

Run this report as a troubleshooting mechanism to get a detailed statement of how the tax was calculated for an employee.

The Tax Calculation Report provides a detailed breakdown of the calculations used in the Oracle Payroll Tax Engine for a payroll or Quickpay. This report is provided as a tool to understand what factors were used in the calculations, as well as a detailed description of the calculation steps that produced the taxes.

The report is generated manually after the payroll process completes. It is a separate process called the Canadian Tax Calculation Report. The report can be generated for a payroll or a Quickpay process, that has a minimum logging parameter of 'F'.

Report Requirements

  • The minimum logging level must be set to F.
  • The submitting user must have the following role assigned to them (most users probably already have this role to access information from the UCM server):
    • Role Name: Attachments Administrator
    • Role Code : AttachmentsAdmin

How to Use

To generate the output follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll > Submit a Payroll Flow.

  2. Select a Canadian LDG.

  3. Search and select the flow Canadian Tax Calculation Report.

  4. Select a payroll flow name.

  5. Select the Canadian Tax Calculation.pdf.

  • To remain performant, the report will only provide output for a maximum of 20 people.

  • If the logging level is set at a more granular level (>F), the report will only provide output for one person.