Define Organization-Level Setup Values for Pensions

You must set default values for pensions automatic enrolment process at the PSU level and, optionally, at the TRU level.

  1. Go to Legal Structures > Legal Entity Calculation Cards for PSU-level set up, or Legal Structures > Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards for TRU-level setup.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Search for and select Organization Pensions Automatic Enrolment.

    You must set the values at the PSU-level and, optionally, at the TRU-level. If defined, TRU values override PSU values.

  4. In the calculation component details, enter the organization-level default values for Pensions Automatic Enrolment Information.



Employer's Staging Date

The date on which the employer must start providing pensions automatic enrolment.

Pay Reference Period Use this to align the pay reference period with either pay periods or tax periods.

Automatic Re-enrolment Date

The third anniversary of your staging date or your cyclical automatic re-enrolment date. This date is validated to ensure that it is within the allowed time frame of the original staging date or previous re-enrolment date. The date entered must be within a 6-month period of the 3 months before the anniversary date. The anniversary date for the first time will be the Staging date and after the previous re-enrolment date.

Worker Postponement Rule

Select a specific pay reference period, if required, else select None.

Worker Postponement Rule Formula

If you’ve defined your own fast formula, select it here. Use the Fast Formulas task to create your own formula.

Eligible Jobholder Postponement Rule

Select a specific pay reference period, if required, else select None.

Eligible Jobholder Postponement Rule Formula

If you’ve defined your own fast formula, select it here. Use the Fast Formulas task to create your own formula.

End of Defined Benefit or Hybrid Transitional Period

Specify the end date for the transitional period.

Qualifying Pension Scheme Name and Formula

You can select an existing Qualifying Pension Scheme name. Or select the name of a previously defined fast formula that returns the ID of the Qualifying Pension Scheme to use.

If on first attempt to select the Qualifying Pension Scheme, the list doesn't display any values, you can try exiting the page and reopening it. If you’ve defined your own formula to derive the Qualifying Pension Scheme, the return value of the formula must be named QPS_ID. The formula must return the PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID of a previously defined Qualifying Pension Scheme element. Use the Fast Formulas task to create your own formula.

Process Automatic Enrolment

Enables or disables the Pensions Automatic Enrolment functionality.

You can override the staging date, postponement rules, and the qualifying pension scheme name on the worker's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.

Disable automatic card creation

By default, upon the completion of the new hire process, the payroll application creates a Pensions Automatic Enrolment card for the employee. Optionally, if a TRU was specified during the new hire process, the Pensions Automatic Enrolment card is linked to that TRU. Select the check box to disable this feature.

Enable automatic assignment association Select to automatically associate assignments in the card.

Disable pension letters

This is a PSU-only attribute. Select this check box if you don't want letters to be generated for the PSU.

Re-enrolment if Pension Scheme Member Left Within 12 Months

The employees are included for re-enrolment, by default. You must set this to Exclude, if you don't want the employees to be considered for assessment for re-enrolment.

Enrolment if Qualifying Pension Scheme Member Left Within 12 Months

If the criteria for Eligible Job Holder are met, the process checks this field first. If set to Exclude, then the person won't be enrolled or re-enrolled. By default, this field is blank. This means that the employee will be enrolled or re-enrolled if found eligible.

Automatic Enrolment if Tax Protection Applied

If the criteria for Eligible Job Holder are met, the process checks this field first. If set to Exclude, then the person won't be enrolled or re-enrolled. By default, this field is blank. This means that the employee will be enrolled or re-enrolled if found eligible.

Automatic Enrolment if Notice given

If the criteria for Eligible Job Holder are met, the process logic will check this field first. If set to Exclude, then the person won't be enrolled or re-enrolled. By default, this field is blank. This means that the employee will be enrolled or re-enrolled if found eligible.

Enrolment if Winding-Up Lump Sum Received

If the criteria for Eligible Job Holder are met, the process checks this field first. If set to Exclude, then the person won't be enrolled or re-enrolled. By default, this field is blank. This means that the employee will be enrolled or re-enrolled if found eligible.

Process outstanding actions from previous PRP

Select this to process unprocessed joiners and leavers captured in the previous PRP.

You can override the staging date, postponement rules, and the qualifying pension scheme name on the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.
  1. Save and submit the values.