How Can an Employee Leave a Qualifying Pension Scheme

An employee can leave a qualifying pension scheme in which they're currently enrolled.

Leaving a scheme is different from opting out. Use this procedure only for employees who were manually enrolled in a qualifying scheme or who are leaving a scheme after the opt-out period ends. If an employee was automatically enrolled or has opted in to a qualifying scheme and wants to opt out before the opt-out period end date, use the Opt-Out action.

Before You Start

Make sure that:

  • The employee is currently enrolled in a qualifying scheme.

  • If the joining method was automatic enrolment or opt-in, the opt-out period has ended.

Update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

When an employee leaves a qualifying scheme, you must update their Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card, as summarized here:

  1. Open the employee's pensions card for editing using the Calculation Cards task.

  2. Complete these fields in the details section:



    Reason for Leaving Qualifying Scheme

    Select Left scheme.

    Qualifying Scheme Leaving Date

    Enter the leaving date.

    Effective Start Date Date should be the same as the qualifying scheme leaving date to avoid incorrect pension assessments in future processing.
  3. Save the calculation card.

  4. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment process.

    The process end-dates the employee's Benefits and Pensions card so that no more deductions are taken. The employee's classification for pensions remains unchanged.

    These are the assessor values that are updated:
    Field Action
    Leaving Scheme Processed Date The date of leaving the scheme
    Qualifying Scheme Component This is deleted.