Pensions Automatic Enrolment Calculation Card

Personal payroll calculation cards capture information specific to a particular payroll relationship.

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card may have one or more calculation components. Each component, also referred to as the Assessor, holds the details needed for employee assessment for pension enrolment and stores the results of the assessment.

Each assessor may be associated to a Tax Reporting Unit and one or more assignments, depending on your pension rules and business requirements.

Use the Calculation Cards task to manage a person’s Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.

You can override the staging date, postponement rules, re-enrolment date, and the qualifying pension scheme name on the worker’s Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation component.

Default Values for Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

The automatically created Pensions Automatic Enrolment card contains these two components:

  • The Pensions Automatic Enrolment component, which is the main component for Pensions Automatic Enrolment processing with this field:



    Employee Classification for Pensions

    The assessment process assesses employee age, earnings, and other criteria to determine eligibility for automatic enrolment in a qualifying pension scheme. It assigns a classification to each employee it assesses. The default value is Not yet assessed.

  • The Pensions Automatic Enrolment Additional Information component, which supports re-enrolment and further statutory updates. This component has these fields:



    Overriding Automatic Re-enrolment date

    Enables employee-level overriding of the re-enrolment assessment date from the PSU or TRU default values.

    Winding-Up Lump Sum Payment Date

    A setting to determine if a person should be excluded from enrolment or not. The organization level settings for the Legal Entity and TRU determine if employees with this date setting on the payroll relationship card will be either included or excluded. If excluded, the enrolment process doesn't consider them if the assessment date is after the winding-up lump sum payment date.

    Tax Protection Applied

    A setting to determine if a person should be excluded from enrolment or not. The organization level settings for the Legal Entity and TRU determine if a person with the Tax Protection setting on the payroll relationship card will be either included or excluded.

    Notice Given Date

    Read-only field that's derived from the employee termination information during the assessment process.

    Notice Withdrawn Date

    Date on which the employee withdrew the termination request. Used as the overriding assessment date for enrolment.