Retry Full Payment Submission Process

You might need to rerun the Full Payment Submission (FPS) process for various reasons.

Typically, these might be the scenarios:

  • The FPS has reported errors for one or more individuals in the Errors and Warnings report

  • There are no errors reported in the Errors and Warnings report, but you might still have to correct some data for one or more individuals and rerun the FPS process

  • Both the above scenarios

You can do this in two ways:

  • Roll back the FPS, correct the data, and submit a new FPS flow.

  • Using the existing flow, mark for retry the individuals to reprocess, correct the data, and then retry the original flow. This is advantageous if you have a large volume of data in your FPS file, the retry approach enhances the performance.

Retry FPS for Records with Errors

You can retry FPS when the FPS generation flow contains errors. In this case, the task checklist will also display errors in the Run Full Payment Submission task.

To rectify this, you must first correct the data for the individual or individuals in error. Here's how you can do this:

  • In the checklist, select the Run Errors and Warnings report.

  • Click the Actions menu and select Mark as Incomplete.

    When you refresh the page, the Run Errors and Warnings Report task should have the status Incomplete.

  • Select the Run Full Payments Submission task. Use the Actions menu and mark as incomplete.

    This regenerates the FPS for the records with errors. This would include any individuals who did not have errors, but you later marked them for retry.

    When you refresh the page, you will notice that the FPSflow is complete, and the corrections to individual records are successful.

Retry FPS for Records That Are Completed

There's possibility that even though the FPS process is successfully completed, you might need to update or make corrections to one ore more individual records and generate FPS. Here's how you can do this:

  • Make the required corrections to individual record that you want to update.

  • In the task checklist, select Run Full Payment Submission process. Click Go-to-Task.

  • Search for and select the individual record that you want to retry. Click Actions and Mark for Retry for the individual.

    When you refresh the page, the individual must be marked for retry.

  • In the tasks checklist, mark the Run Errors and Warnings report as incomplete.

  • Now select Run Full Payment Submission task and mask as complete.

    This regenerates the FPS file.