Create Third-Party Payees for Canada

An involuntary deduction is a court ordered payment taken from an employee's pay and paid to a court or an individual person. Create a third party payee to process payments to an external organization or a person who isn't on the payroll.

Configure third-party payments before you create the involuntary deduction card. Once you create the third-party payee, it becomes available for selection as a payee on the employee's Involuntary Deductions calculation card.

Consider these points while creating the third-party payee for involuntary deductions:
  • For court-ordered payments, create an entry for the court or other issuing authority as a third-party organization payee. When you select the payee on the involuntary deductions card, the address and contact information you specify here is displayed.

  • For maintenance and support payments, create as either a person or an organization payee, as determined by the court order.
Here are the steps to create a third-party payee for involuntary deductions:
  1. Search and select the Third-Party Payment Methods task under Payroll.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select either an Organization or Person payee.
  4. In the Basic Details section, complete the fields as shown in this table.

    Third-Party Payee Details



    Third-Party Name

    Select the Third-Party Name of the organization payee.

    Legislative Data Group

    Select the Legislative Data Group of the employee whose pay is subject to the deduction.

    Organization Payment Method

    Select the relevant Organization Payment Method.

    Payroll Relationship Select the Payroll Relationship of the employee whose pay is subject to the deduction.
    Note: This field is displayed only if you chose Person as the payee.
  5. Click Save.

Create Third-Party Payee Correspondence Language

When you create a third-party payee, capture a correspondence language for the payee. This allows cheques to third-party payees to be generated in French. This is available for both Organization and Person payee types.

Capture the address of the third-party payee on the Create Address page. Use the Language field to select the correspondence language.

You can only select American English or Canadian French. The default language is English and if you don't select a language, the cheques are generated in English by default.

If the payee has multiple addresses configured, the language designated on the primary address is used to generate the cheques.