How Participants and Administrators Enter Enrollments

Multiple methods exist for entering enrollments and the open enrollment process typically uses all of them.

  • Participants make their elections using the self-service enrollment guided process.

    If participants have election opportunities, they can click Me - Benefits on the Home page.

    Tip: In your trial environment, you must first select Parameter Display on the Manage Self-Service Enrollment Configuration page before you can make elections as a participant.
  • Benefits administrators enter enrollments for specific participants in the Enrollments work area.

    1. Benefits professionals can generate a Benefit Enrollment document on the Manage Person Life Events page and send it to participants.

    2. Participants can use the document to make their election choices and return the completed document.

    3. Benefits professionals use the completed document to enter the participant elections into the Enrollments page in the Benefits Service Center page.

  • Benefits administrators can make default enrollments for participants who didn't elect any benefits. They use the Enroll in Default Benefits process in the Evaluation and Reporting work area.

    The Enroll in Default Benefits process might have already run automatically depending on whether you elected to apply defaults as part of the Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation process.