Impact of Action Items and Suspensions on Participation Evaluation Processes

This topic lists how different setup conditions of action items and suspensions impact the working of the participation evaluation processes.

Condition Processing
No suspensions are set up for any of the enrolled benefits objects. No action. The process indicates successful processing.
Suspensions are set up.

Participant has completed action items, so no suspended benefits objects exist.

No action. The process indicates successful processing.
Suspensions are set up.

Action item doesn't have a due date set up.

Participant hasn't completed the action item yet.

The process:
  • Indicates unsuccessful processing
  • Creates a log entry
Suspensions are set up.

Action item due date is set up.

Participant hasn't completed the action item yet.

The process:
  • Indicates unsuccessful processing
  • Creates a log entry

Suspensions are set up.

Action item due date is set up.

Participant hasn't completed the action item yet.

Action item due date is past.

The process:
  • Indicates unsuccessful processing
  • Creates a log entry