Manage Benefit Enrollment Certifications in the Integrated Workbook

Use the Upload Enrollment Certifications integrated workbook to upload details of certifications received from participants, dependents, and beneficiaries en masse.

The basic process to manage certifications in the workbook is:

  • Generate the workbook.

  • Record certifications.

  • Upload data.

  • Resolve errors.

Generating the Workbook

In the Evaluation and Reporting work area, Person Data Loaders tab, click Go to Task on the Upload Enrollment Certifications row.

Recording Certifications

The workbook columns and choice lists are the same as the fields and choice lists on the Enrollment Activities page in the Benefits Service Center page. Enter a row for each certification for each participant. You can enter multiple action items with several certifications for participants with several dependents or beneficiaries. However, each certification's details must exist as a single row.

Uploading Data

After you complete the edits, in the Enrollment Certifications Upload tab, click Upload to load into the application table those rows that are marked as Changed.

Note: You can't edit certifications in the workbook after they upload successfully. However, you can edit certification details on the Enrollment Activities page.

Resolving Errors

The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row.

If there are errors that require review, the process:

  1. Rolls back the change in the application

  2. Sets the workbook row status to Upload Failed

  3. Continues to the next workbook row

To view and resolve an error:

  1. Double-click Update Failed in the Status field.

  2. Fix any data issues in the workbook.

  3. Upload the latest changes.