Person Number Entry in Benefits Batch Processes

You can use a set of comma-separated person numbers in the Process tab of the Benefits batch processes.

For example, you can use this parameter if you want to quickly test your plan design changes against a sample set of employees. This parameter is available for these processes:

  • Evaluate Life Event Participation
  • Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation
  • Evaluate Temporal Event Participation

  • Evaluate Unrestricted Event Participation

  • Enroll in Default Benefits

  • Close Enrollment

  • Prepare Benefit Coverage Charge Data

  • Re-evaluate Designee Eligibility

Here’s the list of points that you should consider when you enter person numbers:

  • You can enter up to 2000 characters.
  • The comma-separated person numbers should be in a single continuous text format.
  • Don't enter person numbers with embedded commas. The process ignores such constructions. For example, the person numbers 127,356 and 89,34 have embedded commas and these numbers are ignored.
  • The list can have whitespaces, tab, line feed, and carriage feed characters embedded in the string, if you have copied it from a spreadsheet. Such irrelevant characters are ignored or truncated during the processing if they are surrounding the real person number within the comma delimitation.
  • You can’t use the person number parameter along with any of these person-determining parameters:
    • Person Name

    • Person Selection rule

    • Person Type

    • Organization Name

    • Benefits Group

    • Location

    • Postal Code Range

    • Legal Entity

Any auto-submitted process, such as Default Enrollment, will consider the values in the person number list. The log file provides details on which person numbers were processed, and which ones weren't.