Create User-Defined Balance Usage Groups

Create additional balance group usages, if the predefined balance groups don't meet your specific reporting needs for the Employee Active Payroll Balance Report. You can then use the newly created balance group as a parameter while running the report.

Use the Balance Definitions task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page to create a balance.

This topic explains how you can create a:

  1. Balance

  2. Balance Group

  3. Balance Group Usage

To create a balance:

  1. Search and select the Balance Definitions task.

  2. Click Create on the Balance Definitions page.

  3. Select the Legislative Data Group and click Continue.

  4. Add the Payroll Balance details, and click Next.

  5. On the Balance Dimensions page, click Select and Add.

  6. Search for and select the Dimension Name, for example, Relationship Tax Unit Run or Relationship Tax Unit Year to Date.

  7. Click Apply, and then Done.

  8. Click Next, Submit, and then OK.

Note: Use this procedure only if you don't want to use the predefined balances.

To create a balance group:

  1. Search and select the Balance Groups task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

  2. Click Create on the Balance Groups page.

  3. Select the Legislative Data Group, enter a Name, and click Continue.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. In the Balance Group Overview pane, click Balance Definitions, and then click Select and Add.

  6. Search for and select the required Balance Definition.

  7. Click Apply to add each balance definition you require, and then click OK. You can select the predefined balances or a new balance.

    Note: If the context level balance values are required for Reference Code and Year End Forms (Statutory Report Type), add the balances with dimensions that include that context. For example Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date or Relationship Tax Unit, Statutory Report Type Run.
  8. Click Submit.

To create a balance group usage:

  1. Select the Balance Group Usages task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

  2. Click Create on the Balance Group Usages page.

  3. Select the Legislative Data Group, and enter a name.

  4. Select the newly added Balance Group, and select Matrix.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. In the Balance Group Usages pane, select Matrix Items.

  7. In Matrix Items page, click Create.

  8. Search for and select the required Balance Dimension Name and enter a Position value. Continue this step until you have created all the required usages. Create multiple usages for each combination of contexts required.

    Note: Each Balance Group Usage should only contain one period type of balance dimensions, for example, all Run, or all Year to Date, or all Month to Date.
  9. To sort the balances in the group, select Sorting to define the sequencing.

  10. Click Submit.

You can now select the newly added Balance Group Usage as a parameter of the report.