Balances to Initialize for India

The India Legislative Balances are balances that Oracle Payroll Cloud uses to perform tax reporting and payroll tax calculations.

Balance initialization is required for the following categories of balances for India:

  • Earnings balances

  • Allowance balances

  • Social Insurance balances

  • Termination and Superannuation

  • HRA related balances

Earnings Balances

Balance Name Dimension Name


Relationship Tax Unit Tax Year to Date

Income Tax This Pay

Surcharge This Pay

Health and Education Cess This Pay

Taxable Perquisites

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Allowance Balances

Balance Name Dimension Name

Scholarship Allowance Nontaxable

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Academic Allowance Nontaxable

Academic Allowance Taxable

Conveyance Allowance Nontaxable

Conveyance Allowance Taxable

Compensatory Field Area Allowance Nontaxable

Compensatory Field Area Allowance Taxable

Compensatory Modified Field Area Allowance Nontaxable

Compensatory Modified Field Area Allowance Taxable

Daily Allowance Nontaxable

Daily Allowance Taxable

Helper Allowance Nontaxable

Helper Allowance Taxable

Travel Allowance Nontaxable

Travel Allowance Taxable

Tribal Area Allowance Nontaxable

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Tribal Area Allowance Taxable

Transport Allowance for Physically Disabled Nontaxable

Transport Allowance for Physically Disabled Taxable

Uniform Allowance Nontaxable

Uniform Allowance Taxable

Under Ground Allowance Nontaxable

Under Ground Allowance Taxable

High Altitude Allowance Nontaxable

High Altitude Allowance Taxable

Special Compensatory Allowance Nontaxable

Special Compensatory Allowance Taxable

Children Education Allowance Nontaxable

Children Education Allowance Taxable

Hostel Expenditure Allowance Nontaxable

Hostel Expenditure Allowance Taxable

Social Insurance Balances

Balance Name Dimension Name

Employer LWF Contribution

Relationship Organization Tax Year to Date

Employee LWF Contribution

Employer NPS Contribution

Employee NPS Tier 1 Contribution

Employee NPS Tier 2 Contribution

NPS Computation Salary

Employee PF Contribution

Employee Voluntary PF Contribution

Employee PF Contribution Arrears

Employee Voluntary PF Contribution Arrears

Employer PF Contribution

Employee State Insurance Balances

Balance Name Dimension Name

ESI Eligible Salary

Relationship Last April 1 Month

Relationship Last May 1 Month

Relationship Last June 1 Month

Relationship Last July 1 Month

Relationship Last August 1 Month

Relationship Last September 1 Month

Relationship Last October 1 Month

Relationship Last November 1 Month

Relationship Last December 1 Month

Relationship Last January 1 Month

Relationship Last February 1 Month

Relationship Last March 1 Month

Professional Tax Balances

Balance Name Dimension Name

Professional Tax

Core Relationship Area1 Tax Year to Date

Core Relationship Area1 Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Andhra Pradesh

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Assam

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Bihar

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Gujarat

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Jharkhand

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Karnataka

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Kerala

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Maharashtra

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Meghalaya

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Manipur

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Madhya Pradesh

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Mizoram

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Nagaland

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Odisha

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Punjab

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Puducherry

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Sikkim

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Chennai corporation

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Coimbatore corporation

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Dindigul corporation

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Madurai corporation

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Panchayats

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Salem corporation

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Tirunelveli corporation

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Tripura

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for Telangana

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

PT Computational Salary for West Bengal

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Relationship Tax Half Year to Date

Termination and Superannuation Balances

Balance Name Dimension Name

Gratuity Computation Salary

Relationship Last April 1 Month

Relationship Last May 1 Month

Relationship Last June 1 Month

Relationship Last July 1 Month

Relationship Last August 1 Month

Relationship Last September 1 Month

Relationship Last October 1 Month

Relationship Last November 1 Month

Relationship Last December 1 Month

Relationship Last January 1 Month

Relationship Last February 1 Month

Relationship Last March 1 Month

Relationship Last Month

Gratuity Amount

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Gratuity Amount Nontaxable

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Leave Encashment Computation Salary

Relationship Last Month

Relationship Last April 1 Month

Relationship Last May 1 Month

Relationship Last June 1 Month

Relationship Last July 1 Month

Relationship Last August 1 Month

Relationship Last September 1 Month

Relationship Last October 1 Month

Relationship Last November 1 Month

Relationship Last December 1 Month

Relationship Last January 1 Month

Relationship Last February 1 Month

Relationship Last March 1 Month

Leave Encashment

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Leave Encashment Amount Nontaxable

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Retrenchment Compensation Computation Salary

Relationship Last April 1 Month

Relationship Last May 1 Month

Relationship Last June 1 Month

Relationship Last July 1 Month

Relationship Last August 1 Month

Relationship Last September 1 Month

Relationship Last October 1 Month

Relationship Last November 1 Month

Relationship Last December 1 Month

Relationship Last January 1 Month

Relationship Last February 1 Month

Relationship Last March 1 Month

Retrenchment Compensation Nontaxable

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Retrenchment Compensation Amount

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Commuted Pension

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Commuted Pension Nontaxable

Relationship Tax Year to Date

VRS Amount

Relationship Tax Year to Date

VRS Amount Nontaxable

Relationship Tax Year to Date

Superannuation Contribution

Relationship Tax Year to Date

HRA Related Balances

Taxable House Rent Allowance

Relationship Tax Unit Tax Year to Date

Relationship Last April 1 Month

Relationship Last May 1 Month

Relationship Last June 1 Month

Relationship Last July 1 Month

Relationship Last August 1 Month

Relationship Last September 1 Month

Relationship Last October 1 Month

Relationship Last November 1 Month

Relationship Last December 1 Month

Relationship Last January 1 Month

Relationship Last February 1 Month

Relationship Last March 1 Month

House Rent Allowance Balance

Relationship Last April 1 Month

Relationship Last May 1 Month

Relationship Last June 1 Month

Relationship Last July 1 Month

Relationship Last August 1 Month

Relationship Last September 1 Month

Relationship Last October 1 Month

Relationship Last November 1 Month

Relationship Last December 1 Month

Relationship Last January 1 Month

Relationship Last February 1 Month

Relationship Last March 1 Month

Salary for House Rent Allowance Exemption

Relationship Last April 1 Month

Relationship Last May 1 Month

Relationship Last June 1 Month

Relationship Last July 1 Month

Relationship Last August 1 Month

Relationship Last September 1 Month

Relationship Last October 1 Month

Relationship Last November 1 Month

Relationship Last December 1 Month

Relationship Last January 1 Month

Relationship Last February 1 Month

Relationship Last March 1 Month

Area Code for Professional Tax

State AreaOne

Andhra Pradesh












West Bengal


Madhya Pradesh
























Panchayats in Tamil Nadu













