Guidelines for Loading Market Data Objects

You can load survey data from external suppliers using HCM Data Loader market data objects. The survey data can include salary, bonuses, benefits, and so on. Here are some tips for loading market data objects.

Any Type of Market Data

Before you can load any of the market data objects, you must define the survey data supplier. Let's say you're loading survey data from Hay. You need a supplier definition for Hay in your environment before you can load the data. Use the Supplier Structures task in the Compensation work area.

Market Data Survey Data

Here's what you need to do before you can load a Market Data Survey Data object. All of the tasks are in the Compensation work area.

  • The survey, such as Hay Professional, using the Surveys task

  • The value of any CompensationTypeCode attribute that you supply using the Compensation Types task

  • Any of these market data job structures objects that you reference on the Market Data Survey Data object:

    • Market Data Career Stream

    • Market Data Career Level

    • Market Data Other Level

    • Market Data Job Family

    • Market Data Job Function

    You load just the market data job structures objects that you want to use in your compensation analyses.

  • Any of these objects that you reference on the Market Data Survey Data object:

    • Market Data Job List

    • Market Data Location List

You need to load any job structures objects before the Market Data Job List object because the job list refers to the job structures objects.

Tip: To make sure that all object references resolve, load the Market Data Survey Data object last.

The objects referenced on the Market Data Survey Data object, such job family, can apply to more than one survey from the same supplier.

HCM Spreadsheets Data Loader Templates

You can also load market data objects using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader. You can copy the bundled spreadsheet templates to create your own versions. You can find the bundled templates in the Compensation and Data Exchange work areas.


The Loading Market Data Using HCM Data Loader document explains how you can load data using HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader. The document (ID 2513871.1) is on My Oracle Support at