Guidelines for Loading Organization Tree Nodes

You can load an organization of any classification as a tree node to an organization tree version. This topic describes aspects of Organization Tree Node objects that you must understand to load them successfully using HCM Data Loader.

Preparing to Load Organization Tree Nodes

Before you load organization tree nodes:

  • You must create the organization tree and organization tree version to which the nodes belong. You can either load them using HCM Data Loader or create them using the Manage Organization Trees task in the Workforce Structures work area.

  • The organizations that the tree nodes refer to must exist on the start date of the tree hierarchy version. Simply adding an organization to the organization tree hierarchy doesn't create the organization. Similarly, removing an organization reference from an organization tree hierarchy doesn't delete the organization record.

Loading Organization Tree Nodes

The organization tree node records the relationship between a parent organization and a child, which can be either an organization or another organization tree version. When the child is an organization, you specify its classification on the ClassificationCode attribute. When the child is another organization tree version, the organization nodes of that version are included by reference. When you load organization tree nodes, these rules apply:

  • You must supply a parent organization for all nodes except the top-level node of your organization tree version. The parent organizations must exist.

  • The TreeStructureCode attribute must be set to PER_ORG_TREE_STRUCTURE.

  • To avoid circular relationships, an organization can appear only once in each tree version.

  • Each tree version can have only one top node. If you need multiple peer organizations at the top, then consider using the enterprise as the top node.

Note: When you load tree nodes, nodes for the same tree and version will be grouped, ordered and processed single-threaded. This is to ensure that the parent node is created before the child nodes that reference it. When you load a large number of nodes for the same tree and version, the load time will be significantly increased, due to single-threaded processing.