Guidelines for Loading Questions, Questionnaire Templates, and Questionnaires

Here are a few guidelines when using HCM Data Loader for loading Questionnaires data:

  • Supports the Create, Update, and Delete operations, including translated objects.

  • Identifies if a row is created or updated with the help of user keys. Only user keys are supported and not the source keys or surrogate keys. For example, if the Question Version Number in the data file is the same as the Question Version Number in the application, then the question is updated.

  • For the Recruiting subscriber, you can associate questions with additional contexts such as Job Family, Job Function, Organization, and Location.

Updating Questionnaire Data

When updating a Questionnaire, you must supply the complete Questionnaire object in the Questionnaire.dat file, and not just the changed records. The parent record is required while updating any of the child records. The Questions and Answers can't be deleted using the Questionnaire.dat file, instead use the Question.dat file.

Deleting Questionnaire Data

You can delete Questionnaire objects using HCM Data Loader if you identify their user keys.

  • When you delete individual child components of the object, the parent record must be included in the same data file.

  • When you delete a Questionnaire object, the child components such as sections, questions, and answers are also deleted.

  • When you delete the parent Questionnaire Template object, you must delete Questionnaire components explicitly.