Overview of Loading Talent Pool Security Profiles

You can use security profiles to control access to nonprivate talent pools.

Use the TalentPoolSecurityProfile.dat file to upload data for the Talent Pool Security Profile business object. You can use the SourceSystemId and SourceSystemOwner attributes to uniquely identify the record.

The Talent Pool Security Profile business object has these child components:

  • Talent Pool Security Profile Business Unit: Uses the PoolSecProfBusinessUnit discriminator to identify the talent pool security profile configuration by business units. You can upload security profile configuration for business units only if the value of the SecureByBusinessUnit attribute of the parent Talent Pool Security Profile business object is Yes.
  • Talent Pool Security Profile Department: Uses the PoolSecProfDepartment discriminator to identify the talent pool security profile configuration by departments. You can upload security profile configuration for departments only if the value of the SecureByDepartment attribute of the parent Talent Pool Security Profile business object is Yes.
  • Talent Pool Security Profile Job Family: Uses the PoolSecProfJobFamily discriminator to identify the talent pool security profile configuration by job families. You can upload security profile configuration for job families only if the value of the SecureByJobFamily attribute of the parent Talent Pool Security Profile business object is Yes.