How You Create a Date-Effective Headcount Analysis

Here's how you create a report with effective-date reporting capability for a nonevent measure. The nonevent measure in this example is headcount. You want an analysis to review headcount by department, but headcount isn't a specific event. Using the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Here are the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

Which subject areas are needed?

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time

Does the analysis require an SQL statement?

Yes. An SQL statement is needed for the effective date capability.

Create a Date-Effective Analysis for Headcount

  1. Navigate to the Reports and Analytics pane

  2. Click Browse Catalog.

  3. Click the New menu, and select Analysis.

  4. In the Select Subject Area window, select the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time subject area.

  5. In the Subject Areas region of the Criteria tab, expand the Worker Assignment folder.

  6. Select Headcount and drag it to the Selected Columns region.

  7. Expand the Department folder, select Name, and drag it to the Selected Columns region.

  8. Select the Prompts tab.

  9. On the right side of the page on the Prompts tab, click New and select Variable prompt.

  10. In the New Prompt window, leave the value of Presentation Variable in the Prompt for field, and enter AsOfDate.

  11. In the Label field, enter Workers as of (mm/dd/yyyy).

  12. Expand the Options region.

  13. In the Variable Data Type menu, select Date.

  14. Select the Require user input option.

  15. Select Dynamic for the Text Field Width.

  16. Click OK.

  17. Select the Advanced tab.

  18. On the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Advanced SQL Clauses region.

  19. In the Prefix field, enter SET VARIABLE PARAM_EFFECTIVE_DATE='@{AsOfDate}';

  20. Click Apply SQL.

  21. Click OK to clear the message.

  22. Click Save Analysis.

  23. In the Save As window, select My Folders and enter Date-Effective Headcount in the Name field.

  24. Click OK.

  25. At the top of the page, click the Home link to return to the OTBI EE home page.

  26. Locate your report in the Recent region.

  27. Click Open.

  28. In the Workers as of mm/dd/yyyy field, enter an effective date in the proper format.

  29. Click OK.

  30. Review the results in the Headcount field.