Business-Object Structure

Each Oracle HCM Cloud business object is a hierarchy of business-object components. At the top of the hierarchy is the parent component, and beneath it may be child and grandchild components. Each business-object component has multiple attributes.

This figure shows a generic business-object structure.
This figure shows a typical Oracle HCM Cloud business object structure. It shows that the parent component has its own attributes and also inherits multiple child components. Each child component has its own attributes.

For example, the Rating Model business object includes Rating Model, Rating Level, and Rating Category components. The Rating Model component is the parent of the other two components. Each component has attributes such as RatingName, RatingModelCode, RatingLevelCode, and so on.

The most complex business object supported by HCM Data Loader is the Worker object, where five levels exist in the object hierarchy. These range from the Worker component at the top to Assignment Work Measure, Assignment Manager, Assignment Grade Steps, and Assignment Extra Information at the bottom. By contrast, the Person Type object has only the Person Type component.


This table defines the terms used by HCM Data Loader to refer to business objects.



Object or business object

Refers to the complete object, which is the parent component and all child components. For example, Grade and Worker are business objects.

Component or business-object component

Refers to components of a business object. For example, Person Name and Work Relationship are components of the Worker object.

Logical object

Refers to a group of related components that form one occurrence of a business object. For example, the grade IC1 is a logical object.

Loading Logical Objects

When you deliver multiple components for the same business object together, HCM Data Loader groups them and loads the complete logical object. It doesn't process the components separately. If any component of the logical object fails validation, then the whole logical object is rejected. As HCM Data Loader loads only complete logical objects, you can be sure of exactly which data has been loaded. For example, when loading jobs, you know which jobs loaded successfully and which jobs failed to load.

Integration-Enabled Objects

HCM Data Loader can load any integration-enabled business object. An integration-enabled business object supports these four key types:

  • Oracle Fusion GUID

  • Oracle Fusion surrogate ID

  • Source key

  • User key

An integration-enabled object has an entry in the Integration Key Map table, where its GUIDs and source keys exist.

HCM Data Loader can also load a few objects, such as Department Tree, that aren't integration enabled. Typically, Oracle HCM Cloud doesn't own such objects and although you can't identify the object by a source key nor GUID, you can often reference foreign objects using integration keys, such as the parent and child departments while creating a department tree.

Tip: You can review business-object details on the View Business Objects page. The Integration Keys Supported field on the Component Details tab for a selected component indicates whether the component is integration enabled.