HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report

The HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report is a diagnostic test. It provides technical information that can help to resolve data-loading errors. Run this diagnostic test when error messages don't supply enough information for you to identify a solution.

You can send the test output to Oracle Support, if necessary.

To run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report test, select Settings and Actions > Run Diagnostic Tests.

Diagnostic Test Parameters

Content ID

A unique reference to a single data set. You can find the content ID in the Content ID column of the Search Results table on the Import and Load Data page. You must specify either the content ID or the process ID to identify the data set.

Process ID

A unique reference to a single data set. You can find the process ID in the Process ID column of the Search Results table on the Import and Load Data page. You must specify either the content ID or the process ID to identify the data set.

Business Object Name

The name of a business object in the data set, such as Worker or Job. You can find the business object name in the Business Object column of the Details table on the Import and Load Data page. This parameter is optional, but you're recommended to supply it if your data set contains multiple business objects.

Detailed Mode

Set this parameter to Y to include the details of any reported errors in the output, including message stack trace for the records in error.

Diagnostic Test Results

The diagnostic test output is in user-readable HTML format. It provides:

  • Status information

  • Details of every process submitted to process your data set

  • All errors raised for each business object in the data set

  • Message stack trace and nonsensitive attribute values for the records in error, if you set the Detailed Mode parameter to Y

No sensitive data appears in the test results.