HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Diagnostic Report

The HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Diagnostic Report provides a detailed analysis of a spreadsheet template or associated data sets to help you resolve template errors. Run this report when error messages don't supply enough information for you to resolve any errors.

You can send the report output to Oracle Support, if necessary.

To run the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Diagnostic Report, select Settings and Actions > Run Diagnostic Tests.

Diagnostic Test Parameters

Data Set Name

To report on a specific data set, enter its name. You must provide a value for either the Data Set Name or the Template Name parameter.

Template Name

To report on a spreadsheet template, enter its name. You must provide a value for either the Data Set Name or the Template Name parameter.

Number of Data Sets to Include

Enter the number of data sets most recently created in spreadsheets generated from the spreadsheet template to include in the report. The default value is 5. This parameter applies only when you also specify a value for the Template Name parameter.

Include Error Details

Set this parameter to Y to provide details, including stack trace, of the most frequent import and load errors in the report output.

Diagnostic Report Contents

The report is in user-readable HTML format. It includes the following sections:

Report Section

Section Content


Lists all report parameters with the values that you supplied

Template Details

The values held for the template definition

Template Business Objects

Details of the business objects that the template supports

Template Attribute Details

Details of the attributes selected in the template, regardless of whether they're visible in generated spreadsheets

Map Table

Details of the template map

Attribute Map Table

The business object map information

Flexfield Contexts

Flexfield contexts in the spreadsheet template

Flexfield Attributes

Flexfield attributes in the spreadsheet template

Data set Name: <data set name>

One section for each data set in the report

The Data Set Name: <data set name> section includes the following information for each data set in the report:

  • A summary of all errors raised for the data set

  • The status and record counts

  • Details of the Import and Load process that created the data set

  • All parameters to the Import and Load process and its child processes

  • Detailed information about each business object in the spreadsheet, including:

    • Object status

    • Details of the import and load processes

    • SET commands

    • The 25 most frequent import errors

    • The 25 most frequent load errors

    • Object and component counts