Create Extract Records

As part of the Define Extracts process, you need to create extract records.

You decide the number of records based on the subgroup of attributes within a data group. In this example, you create two records for the department data group:
  • Department Details
  • Department Summary

You create one record for the employees data group: Employee Details.

  1. Select the Departments Data Group from the Hierarchy and select the Add icon in the Records region. Extract records represent a physical collection of all required fields. If a data group has 3 records, then you can specify the sequence in which the application processes the records using the sequence field. You can also select the Next Data Group to identify which data group the application processes next.
  2. Create two records for the Departments data group.
  3. Complete the fields to create two records for the Departments data group, as shown in this table:
Field Department Summary Department Details
Name Department Summary Department Details
Effective Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00
Sequence 20 10
Type Trailer Record Header Record
Process Type Fast Formula Fast Formula
Next Data Group NA Employees
  1. Save the records, then select the Employees data group and select the Add icon in the Records region.
  2. Create one record for the Employees Data Group.
  3. Complete the fields to create a record for the Employees data group, as shown in this table:


Field Name Entry
Name Employee Details
Effective Start Date 1/1/00
Sequence 10
Type Detail Record
Process Type Fast Formula