Formulas for Donation Plans

Use the Absence Plan page to apply delivered donation plan rules in the plan. However, if you want to define other special rules to suit your requirement, you can write your own formulas.

Formulas for Donation Plans

The following table lists the aspects of a donation plan for which you can write a formula and identifies the formula type for each.



Formula Type to Use

Disbursement Rule

Method to determine the minimum and maximum amount of leave balance that a worker can request as a cash disbursement from their donation plan. Also, an increment, which limits the disbursement amount to specific values between the minimum and maximum amount from a donation plan.

Global Absence Discretionary Disbursement Rule

Donation Rule

Method to determine the minimum and maximum amount of leave balance that a worker can donate from their accrual plan. Also, an increment, which limits the donation amount to specific values between the minimum and maximum amount.

Global Absence Discretionary Donation Rule