Integrated Workbooks for Absence Management

Use integrated Microsoft Excel workbooks to upload multiple records at one time for various Absence objects, such as:

  • Absence records

  • Absence plans

  • Absence types

  • Absence categories

  • Absence reasons

  • Absence certifications

Use the Initiate Spreadsheet Load task of the Data Exchange work area to use the absence spreadsheets.

All Absence Spreadsheets

You can only create absence business objects using the spreadsheets. You can't edit existing absence objects.

Absence Records Spreadsheet

You can create and load absence records only for the Generic absence and the Illness or injury pattern. You can't load absence records for absence types with the Childbirth or placement pattern.

Absence Plans Spreadsheet

Consider the following points when you enter data in the spreadsheet:

  • You must enter the start month and start date to define the plan term.

  • You can associate only one eligibility profile with an absence plan.

  • You can create only one accrual band for an accrual plan.

  • You can associate only one qualification band and only one band detail with a qualification plan.

  • When you enter adjustment reasons, you must enter their corresponding codes separated by commas.

  • When you associate a rate definition with an absence plan, you must enter the corresponding rate definition ID.

Absence Types Spreadsheet

Consider the following points when you enter data in the spreadsheet:

  • You must enter the legislative data group ID.

  • You can associate a maximum of five absence plans with an absence type.

  • You can associate a maximum of five absence certifications with an absence type.

  • Feature usages and rules for the absence type automatically upload with default values based on the absence pattern that you enter.

  • When you enter special conditions for a qualification plan, you must enter the corresponding condition codes separated by commas.

Absence Categories Spreadsheet

You can associate a maximum of five absence types with an absence category.