Field Reference for Plan Comparison Values

This topic provides you details of fields that you need to use to set up plan comparison values. This information applies to fields on the Configure Plan Comparison Values page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Plan Comparison Value


Template Type

Your organization may offer different types of plans, for example, medical, dental, and vision. For each of these plan types, you create country-specific template types.

For example, to compare 3 plan types offered in the US, you create the following template types:

  • US Medical Template

  • US Dental Template

  • US Vision Template

Template Type Group Name

Template type groups group related country-specific template types.

Here are some examples:

  • United States Medical Template 2020-21

  • Canada Medical Template 2020-21

Categories (Optional)

A category lets you to further classify a feature, if required, so participants understand the differences. For example, the feature "General Physician Office Visit" might have two categories:

  • Network

  • Non-Network

Category Group Name (Optional, if you don't have a category)

When you set up a plan comparison template, you select the category group to automatically include its categories in that template.

Here are some examples:

  • US Categories

  • Canada Categories


Options are electable choices that are common across all plans for comparison. The options that you create here are used only for plan comparison purposes. They don't have a relation to the actual options that you create as part of plan design.

You typically define options if you've designed your plan to offer different rates for different options, and you want to display those during plan comparison. Participants can see the estimated cost of the options by clicking on the Information icon that's next to the Estimated Cost value.

You also define options if some features that you're offering vary by option. For example, you offer an Annual Deductible feature. You want to display Network and Non-Network rates for each option, such as Employee Only.

Here are more examples:

  • Employee Only

  • Employee Plus Spouse

  • Employee Plus Family

  • 1 x Compensation

  • 2 x Compensation

Option Group Name

When you set up a plan comparison template, you select the option group to automatically include its options in that template.

Here are some examples:

  • US Options

  • Canada Options

Feature Values

During plan comparison, participants can compare different features that each plan offers. For example, if the feature name is Prescription Drugs, it can have values such as Covered and Not Covered.

Here are more examples:

  • Partial

  • 100%

  • Not Applicable

  • Co-pay

Feature Value Group Name

When you set up a plan comparison template, you select the feature group to automatically include its features in that template.

Here some the examples:

  • US Feature Values

  • Canada Feature Values