Overview of Objects That Support a Benefits Implementation

Define general benefits objects, including lookups, regulations, groups, balances, carriers, benefits relationships, regulatory bodies, and providers.

Benefits Object


Setup Task


Provide choice lists for fields such as Certification Type and Override Reason.

Manage Benefit Lookups


Identify statutory requirements by regulatory body; associate with reporting groups.

Manage Regulations

Benefit groups

Assign to workers and use as eligibility criteria for benefits objects.

Manage Benefit Groups

Reporting groups

Support administrative and regulatory reporting requirements.

Manage Benefit Reporting Groups

Benefit balances

Assign to workers and enter the balance amount.

Manage Benefit Balances


Provide contact and tax identification information for organizations that benefits participants can designate as beneficiaries.

Manage Beneficiary Organizations


Provide contact information for external benefit carriers associated with benefits offerings.

Manage Benefit Carriers

Default benefits relationships

Configure the default assignment of benefits relationships for each legal entity.

Configure Default Benefits Relationships

Third-party administrators

Provide contact information for third-party organizations that process claims or administer other aspects of benefit plans.

Manage Third Party Administrators

Regulatory bodies

Provide contact information for regulatory bodies that approve or govern plans; associate these bodies with reporting groups.

Manage Regulatory Bodies


Provide contact and tax identification information for providers of benefit coverage and services under plans and programs.

Manage Benefit Providers

Enrollment action items

Configure the display name of enrollment action items required to complete enrollment in a benefits offering

Configure Enrollment Action Items

Fast formulas

Configure your plan design to the requirements of your enterprise using a flexible alternative to delivered business rules.

Manage Fast Formulas

If you intend to use any of these general benefit objects:

  1. Complete the corresponding Define General Benefits tasks.

  2. Complete the Manage Benefit Programs and Plans tasks.