Quick Create for Plans

Quick create plan functionality defines essential configuration for benefits plans. You can quickly set up basic details of options with rates within the plan setup, saving significant time.

Consider the following aspects of quick create plan functionality while deciding whether this method is appropriate for configuring a particular benefits plan:

  • Advantages of Quick Create Plan

  • Automatic plan settings

  • About editing saved plans

Advantages of Quick Create Plan

Click Quick Create Plan on the Manage Benefit Plan Details page of the Plan Configuration work area to:

  • Set up essential plan configuration.

  • Set up temporary plans for.

    • Testing and proof of concepts

    • Confirming understanding of plan configuration requirements

    • Supporting agile development techniques

    • Presales customer demonstrations

  • Create and attach objects without exiting to other tasks, as shown in the following table.


    Outside Task

    Plan type

    Manage Plan Types


    Manage Plan Options

    Option in plan level employee and employer standard rate flat amount

    Manage Benefit Rates

    Option in plan level coverage flat amount

    Manage Benefit Plan Coverage

Automatic Plan Settings

The quick create plan configuration includes the following automatic settings.


Default Value

Status (plan)


Status (associated options)


Type (associated rates)


Type (associated coverage)


Year Periods

Range of two years before and one year after the current year

Year Period Type


Required (associated eligibility profile)

Not selected

Enrollment Rule

Current - can keep or choose; new - can choose

Plan Function


If Usage is In program

Enable unrestricted enrollment is clear

If Usage is Not in program

Enable unrestricted enrollment is selected

Enabling unrestricted enrollment sets the following field values automatically.


Default Value

Rate Start Date


Coverage Start Date


Previous Rate Start Date

One day before event

Previous Coverage Start Date

One day before event

Life Event (on Enrollment page)


Enrollment Period Start Date

As of Event Date

Enrollment Period End Date

As of Event Date

Close Enrollment Period Date

When elections are made

The following aren't set automatically:

  • Dependent or beneficiary designation

  • Primary care physician designation

Edit Saved Plans

To edit existing plan configurations, use the Manage Benefit Plan Details configuration guided process. With this process, you can also add definitions that you didn't or couldn't specify during the quick create process.

After retrieving a quick create plan, you can:

  • Change plan status.

  • Add predefined options and change option status.

  • Add plan year periods for fiscal years.

  • Add or remove standard rates, and add imputed rates and variable rates.

  • Add or remove standard coverages, and add variable coverages.

  • Add or remove eligibility profiles.

  • Configure requirements for:

    • Scheduled and life event enrollment

    • Certifications

    • Dependent and beneficiary designation

    • Primary care physician designation

Add Additional instruction Text

You can add additional instruction text for plans and options, in the Instruction Text field, when you add or edit a plan or option in the Plan Configuration work area. For example, when you group multiple plans within one plan type, it's useful for employers to have the ability to provide additional text at the plan or option level.