Legal Addresses

A legal address is the mailing address of a legal entity or legal authority. A legal address is also the address a legal entity uses to register with a legal authority.

You can use legal addresses to send correspondence, such as invoices, bills, reports, and so on, to a legal entity or authority.

No legal addresses are predefined for China. You must create legal addresses for all organizational units of the enterprise before creating legal entities.

The format in which addresses must be entered for workers located in China is predefined and should not be modified during implementation.

Use the Manage Legal Address task to create a legal address. For each address you create, select China as the country so that the Chinese Address style is used.

The table below lists the fields in the China address style.

Field Name

Mandatory and Optional Fields

Postal Code






County or District


Street Address


Additional Address Line


You can create new geographies by importing data through the interface tables. You can load data into the interface tables using the Oracle Fusion file-based data import process or a tool of your choice.