Create a Deduction Information Calculation Card Manually

This example demonstrates how you can create the Tax Credit Information Calculation Card calculation card at the payroll relationship level and add the individual income tax, public housing fund, and social insurance deductions.

Before You Begin

Before you start creating the card, confirm the following:
  1. Define all legal entities and related information, including payroll statutory units (PSUs), legal employers, TRUs, and registration information.

  2. Define element eligibility for the Aggregation Information element.

  3. The new hire process for the employee is completed and the employee has a valid payroll relationship with a Chinese payroll statutory unit. The employee has at least one valid assignment under the payroll relationship. The new hire process must have created a Deductions Information calculation card for the new hire automatically.

  4. The employee is assigned to a payroll.

Create the Calculation Card

  1. From your Home page, navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll.

  2. Under Person Information, click Calculation Cards.

  3. Search for a person and then click the link for the person.

  4. On the Calculation Cards page, click Create to open the Create Calculation Card window.

  5. In the Effective As-of Date field, enter or select a date from which the calculation card takes effect.

  6. In the Name field, select Deduction Information.

  7. Click Continue to display the Calculation Cards: Deduction Information page.

    In the Calculation Card Overview pane, you can view the calculation groups associated with this calculation card. In this example, you can see the Taxes and Social security component groups.

How to Add Calculation Components for Individual Income Tax Deductions

  1. Select Taxes from the Components Groups in the Calculation Card Overview section.

  2. Click Create in the Calculation Components section.

  3. On the Create Calculation Component page, From the Calculation Component list, select Individual Income Tax.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Individual Income Tax: Details section, on the Calculation Component Details tab, expand the Individual Income Tax Details node and do the following:

    • From the Tax Exemption Amount Category list, select a value. For example, Mainland China resident with mainland China income.

    • From the Entitled to Special Tax Reduction or Exemption list, select Yes or No.

  6. In the Individual Income Tax: Details section, on the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab, click Create. Select the name of the override you want to create and then enter the overriding value. This table lists the overrides allowed for individual income tax management at the payroll relationship level.




    Fixed Special Tax Reduction Amount

    Total amount

    420.00 (for Shanghai)

    Special Tax Reduction Rate



  7. Click Save.

How to Add Calculation Components for Public Housing Fund Deductions

  1. Select Social Security from the Components Groups in the Calculation Card Overview section.

  2. Click Create in the Calculation Components section.

  3. On the Create calculation component page, from the Calculation Component list, select Public Housing Fund.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Public Housing Fund: Details section, on the Calculation Component Details tab, click Public Housing Fund Details and complete these fields:



    Account Number

    Enter the account number.

    Account Status

    Select a value. For example Open or Transfer in.

    Status Change Reason

    Select a value. For example, New enrollment or Re-enrollment.

    Contribution Type

    Select a value. For example, Farmer or City resident.

    Employee Contribution Base Calculation Method

    Select a value.

    Employer Contribution Base Calculation Method

    Select a value.

    Force Contribution Base Recalculation

    Select Yes or No.

    Note: The Employee Contribution Base Calculation Method and Employer Contribution Base Calculation Method fields are optional. You need to provide values for these fields only if the calculation methods for this person differ from the default methods defined for the PSU on the PSU-level calculation card.
  6. On the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab, click Create. Select the name of the override you want to create and then enter the overriding value. This table lists the overrides allowed for public housing fund management at the payroll statutory unit level. Because these values vary by territory, no default values are provided for any of the items in this table. They are all set to zero at the legislative value.




    Employee Contribution Rate



    Employee Nontaxable Contribution Threshold Rate



    Employer Contribution Rate



    Employer Nontaxable Contribution Threshold Rate



    Fixed Employee Contribution Amount

    Total amount


    Fixed Employee Contribution Base Amount

    Total amount


    Fixed Employee Nontaxable Contribution Threshold Amount

    Total amount


    Fixed Employer Contribution Amount

    Total amount


    Fixed Employer Contribution Base Amount

    Total amount


    Fixed Employer Nontaxable Contribution Threshold Amount

    Total amount


    Nontaxable Contribution Base Threshold Amount

    Total amount


  7. Click Save and Close.

How to Add Calculation Components for Social Insurance Deductions

Before you define the social insurance calculation components, consider the following points:

  • You can add social insurance calculation components and component details to the statutory deductions card. You can add calculation components for these social insurance types to a legal entity statutory deductions card:

    • Basic Pension Insurance

    • Basic Medical Insurance

    • Supplementary Medical Insurance

    • Unemployment Insurance

    • Maternity Insurance

    • Work-Related Injury Insurance

  • For maternity insurance and work-related injury insurance, you define only the employer contribution; there is no corresponding employee contribution

  • For supplementary medical insurance, maternity insurance, and work-related injury insurance, taxable contribution calculation isn't required

  1. Select Social Security from the Components Groups in the Calculation Card Overview section.

  2. Click Create in the Calculation Components section.

  3. On the Create Calculation Component page, from the Calculation Component list, select a social insurance type.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Details section of the selected social insurance type, on the Calculation Component Details tab, complete these fields:



    Account Number

    Enter the account number.

    Account Status

    Select a value. For example Open or Transfer in.

    Status Change Reason

    Select a value. For example, New enrollment or Re-enrollment.

    Contribution Type

    Select a value. For example, Farmer or City resident.

    Employee Contribution Base Calculation Method

    Select a value.

    Employer Contribution Base Calculation Method

    Select a value.

    Force Contribution Base Recalculation

    Select Yes or No.

  6. On the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab, click Create. Select the name of the override you want to create and then enter the overriding value.

  7. Click Save and Close.

How to Create an Association

You must associate the calculation card with a tax reporting unit (TRU). You must also associate the card to each employment assignment or term. A person with multiple assignments can have one TRU for each assignment, or each TRU can have one assignment or term. You can't enter multiple TRU's to an assignment or term.

  1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click Associations.

  2. Click Create in the Associations section.

  3. In the Create Association window, select InFusion 1, the TRU responsible for reporting deductions for this employee.

  4. Click Save to save the association.

    Note: You must save the association before you can create association details.

How to Create Association Details

You must associate calculation components with employment assignments or terms.

  1. In the Association Details section, click Create.

  2. On the Create Association Details window, select E300100008926055 in the Assignment Number field.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each assignment.

  4. Click Save and Close.