Reverse Date and Net Pay in Payslip Name Format

The date and net pay are included in the payslip name by default to be compliant with the accessibility requirement in some countries.

If you are using the Chinese Online Payslip delivery option, the online payslips are generated in the format YYYY/MM/DD affixed with net pay amount, after upgrade. The date shown in the payslip name is the payment date, which is also the Date Paid in the Payroll Definitions user interface. For example: If February 3, 2021 is the payment date for a pay period; 2021/02/03_9074.00 is the payslip name for the pay period. January 1, 2021 is the start date and January 31, 2021 is the end date, for the pay period.

If you would like to change the date format, you may update the document name of your delivery option to PAYSLIP<YYYY/MM/DD> or <YYYY/MM/DD>.

If you do not have such requirement, and prefer to reverse back to the existing name format, add the parameter: Include date and net pay in payslip name to the configuration group you use in running the Generate Payslips process, and set the override value to ā€˜Nā€™.

For custom delivery option, setup a document name with a constant value. This ensures payslip always has the same name.

You can reverse the payslip name format as follows:

  1. From the home page, navigate to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Show More > Payroll > Payroll Process Configuration.

  2. Add the parameter Include date and net pay in payslip name to the configuration group you use in running the Generate Payslips process.

    Set the override value to N.