Examples of Overriding Calendar Event Coverage for Specific Geographic Locations, Levels, and Individuals

You set up public holidays and other calendar event for people at your India and France locations using a geographic hierarchy. You also set up regional holiday events for Hyderabad and Bangalore.

You override geographic coverage for locations and levels using the Manage Locations task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. It's part of the Workforce Deployment offering, Workforce Structures functional area. You override geographic coverage for individuals on their Employment page.

Specific Geographic Locations

For 6 months, your people in Bangalore work closely with their counterparts in Paris on a critical project. During this time, you want the people in Bangalore to follow the calendar events you set up for France. On the Manage Locations page, edit the location information for Bangalore, and set the geographic hierarchy to France, as shown here.

Override calendar event coverage at the country-level location

Specific Geographic Levels

You're providing training on a new phone system to people in your India offices. People in Hyderabad have a regional holiday at that time, so you schedule their training for the next week. On the Manage Locations page, edit the location information for each person, setting the geographic hierarchy to Hyderabad instead of India. This edit links each person with calendar events defined exclusively for their Hyderabad location, as shown here.

Override calendar event coverage by changing the geographic level of the location

Specific Individuals

Some individuals in Bangalore are working closely on a project with their French counterparts for a year. During the project, you want these individuals in Bangalore to follow the calendar events for the France location. For each individual, open their Employment page and set the geographic hierarchy to France.