Process to Migrate Seniority Dates

You run the Migrate to Version 3 of Seniority Dates process to migrate the seniority dates data to the new version (V3) from earlier versions (V1 or V2). Use the Scheduled Processes work area to schedule and run the process.

Note: Before you migrate to V3, you must do these actions:

You can run the process only once to migrate seniority data from V1 or V2 to V3.

If you want to roll back to V1 or V2 after migrating to V3, run the Migrate from V3 to V2/V1 - Correct diagnostic test. For more information, refer to the Migrate from V3 to V2 or V1 - Correct attachment in the document Self-Service Data Integrity Framework for Employment Flows - Part 1 (Doc ID 2548287.1) on My Oracle Support (

What Happens When You Run the Process

V1 to V3 conversion: V1 seniority dates only display the hire date and seniority date for the enterprise and legal employer and you don't configure any seniority rules. When you run the process to migrate seniority data from V1 to V3, the application automatically creates these seniority rules:

  • Legal Employer Seniority Date - Work Relationship Level - Migrate

  • Enterprise Seniority Date - Person Level - Migrate

The process hides the seniority dates on the Work Relationship page and the application stops populating V1 seniority dates. However, the application will retain the value of the V1 seniority dates. If there are adjusted values for V1 seniority dates, the application automatically creates the corresponding adjustments for V3 seniority rules. Therefore, the resulting seniority dates values are the same in V3. The seniority dates region in the employment information UI will display V3 seniority dates instead of V1 seniority dates. After the migration to V3, seniority data is maintained in the PER_SENIORITY_DATES_F table and the PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE table is no longer used to maintain V1 seniority dates.

Note: All existing V1 and V2 seniority data are retained in the PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE and PER_SENIORITY_DATES tables respectively. However, the V2 seniority rules are marked as inactive during the migration process if only the V1 migration option is selected.

V2 to V3 conversion: In V2, you can configure seniority rules at various levels. When you run the process to migrate seniority data from V2 to V3, the application automatically converts the V2 seniority rules to V3 and retains the seniority date. The advanced configuration options of V3 seniority dates become available on the Configure Seniority Dates page. The seniority dates are now populated in the PER_SENIORITY_DATES_F table instead of the PER_SENIORITY_DATES table. The new seniority dates are displayed on the Seniority Dates page.

Note: You must re-evaluate the integrations, extracts, reports, derived factors, eligibility profiles, and fast formulas. This is because these items may be using the tables or database items where the underlying seniority dates version is V1 or V2. All existing V1 and V2 seniority data are retained in the PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE and PER_SENIORITY_DATES tables respectively.

Process Parameter

The Migrate to Version 3 of Seniority Dates process uses the Migrate Seniority Data From parameter. This parameter indicates whether you want to migrate seniority dates data to V3 from V1 or V2, or both based on your current application setup.


Process Results

V1 Seniority to Non-Cumulative V3 Seniority

  • V1 seniority dates are moved to V3.

  • V3 seniority rules corresponding to V1 seniority are created as non-cumulative.

  • V2 seniority isn't migrated to V3.

V2 Seniority to Cumulative V3 Seniority

  • V2 seniority dates are moved to V3.

  • V3 seniority rules corresponding to V2 seniority are created as cumulative.

  • V1 seniority isn't migrated to V3.

V2 Seniority to Non-Cumulative V3 Seniority

  • V2 seniority dates are moved to V3.

  • V3 seniority rules corresponding to V2 seniority are created as non-cumulative.

  • V1 seniority isn't migrated to V3.

V1 and V2 Seniority to Non-Cumulative V3 Seniority

  • Both V1 and V2 seniority dates are moved to V3.

  • V3 seniority rules corresponding to V1 and V2 seniority are created as non-cumulative.

V1 to Non-Cumulative and V2 to Cumulative V3 Seniority

  • Both V1 and V2 seniority dates are moved to V3.

  • V3 seniority rules corresponding to V1 seniority are created as non-cumulative.

  • V3 seniority rules corresponding to V2 seniority are created as cumulative.