How You Decide Whether to Use Tasks or Task Groups in Journeys

Here are some differences you need to consider when creating tasks and task groups:

Considerations Task Task Group
Where to configure? Checklist Template page > Task Library or in template > Tasks tab Checklist Templates page > Task Group tab > Create
When to use? Create tasks on a case by case basis. Create task groups when you have common tasks that can be used in different templates. You can use multiple task groups in a journey template.
How to manage? Manage as part of template or manage as part of task library. Go to Task Groups and manage the tasks. Use the Usage tab to track where the task groups are used.
Is eligibility criteria supported? Yes, supports eligibility criteria. Yes, supports eligibility criteria.
Is task dependency supported? Yes. Task dependency works based on a one to one mapping. Yes, it is.
  • A task can be dependent on a task group.
  • A task group can be dependent on a task.
  • A task group can be dependent on a task group.
Can these features be used in all journey categories? Yes, you can create a task of any type. No, task groups aren’t supported in categories such as Survey and Guided Journeys.
Can this be created in the task library? Yes, you can create and add tasks to the task library. No, a task group type can’t be created in or added to the task library.
How do users access the tasks? Access the task when the journey is assigned. Access the tasks of a task group as individual tasks on the journeys pages. The task group name is not visible anywhere on the assigned journeys page.
After a task is assigned, and if the task configuration is updated, will the changes be reflected in assigned journeys? Yes, using the Update Assigned Journey Attributes Based on Modified Journey Template ESS process. No, this isn’t supported for task groups.