Create an Allowance Element for UAE

This example describes how you can create an allowance element for Children Allowance.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion using a role that has the profile of Payroll Manager.
  2. Select Elements in the Setup and Maintainence or Payroll work area.
  3. On the Elements page, click Create.
  4. On the Create Element window, select the LDG and a primary classification, then click Continue.
  5. Complete the fields at the top of the Create Element page, and provide answers to the questions.
  6. Click Next and complete the rest of the questionnaire.
  7. Verify the info and click Submit to create the new element.
  8. On the Element Summary page, provide the additional info such as input values, processing rules and eligibility.
  9. In the Element Overview panel, select Actions, and Create Element Eligibility.
  10. On the Element Eligibility page, enter a name in the Element Eligibility field and click Submit.
  11. The Balance Feeds link displays balances fed by the element. All the balance feeds are generated automatically through the element classification defaulting mechanisms.
  12. The Related Formulas link displays the formulas connected to the elements that were automatically generated by the template.
  13. Navugate to Fast Formulas link to verify if the new formula has been compiled.