Salary Basis and Compensation for UAE

Once you create the elements that hold the payee basic salary and compensation information, you can perform the setup required to attribute the gross compensation to the payee.

Salary Basis

To setup the salary basis:
  1. Sign in to the application with a role that has compensation administrator privileges, such as CMP_ADMIN_ALL.
  2. Navigate to Compensation work area
  3. Select Salary Basis, and then click Create.
  4. On the Create Salary Basis page, select the payment element to use for the salary basis and provide the required information.
    Note: Selecting Amount as input value will enable the prorating of the amount by period frequency when payroll is run.

Individual Compensation

To create a compensation plan, such as for a car allowance:
  1. In the Compensation work area, select Individual Compensation Plans and click Create.
  2. Select the payroll element for the compensation plan, such as a car allowance.
  3. Select the Dates tab and set the payment start and end dates:
  4. Select the Eligibility tab to define eligibility for the plan.
  5. Select the Plan Access tab and indicate whether to restrict access to this plan.
  6. Select the Instruction Text tab and add any instructions you want to associate with the plan.