Shift Allowance for UAE

Shift allowance depends on the grade and may also depend on the nationality of an employee: the allowance can be in percent (based on grade and nationality) or in amount (based on grade and nationality).

In case of a percent based allowance, the calculated allowance amount can also be subjected to a maximum and minimum limit.

An override facility is also provided where you can enter the amount and then no calculations are performed. The amount entered is processed directly as the shift allowance.

The following is the input needed to perform the calculation:
  • Create range values for the seeded calculation value definition details Shift Allowance Grade Rate for National, Shift AllowanceGrade Rate for Non-National. In the value field of the range value page, you must choose the grade rates, which are used to getthe shift allowance amount for UAE and no-UAE citizens.
  • Create range values for the seeded calculation value definition details Minimum Shift Allowance, Maximum Shift Allowance. Inthe value field of the range value UI, you must enter minimum or maximum value of the shift allowance. These values are used toget the allowance amount if you entered the input value Rate value to be used as Percent.