Transport Allowance for UAE

Transport allowance depends on the grade and marital status of an employee.

The allowance can be a percentage (based on grade and nationality) or an amount (based on grade or nationality). In case of percentage based allowance, the calculated allowance amount can also be subject to a maximum and minimum limit.

If transportation is provided by the employer, then the monthly paid allowance is zero.

An override feature is provided where you can enter the amount of transport allowance and no calculations are performed.

The following is the input needed to perform the calculation:
  • Enter the transport allowance paid to employee if no transportation is provided by the employer. This information is tracked at a payroll relationship level and this value is defaulted to No, in case there is no value entered at payroll relationship level.
  • Enter the citizenship in the calculation card for the person.
  • Create range values for the seeded calculation value definition details Transport Allowance Grade Rate for National and Transport Allowance Grade Rate for Non-National. In the value field of the range value, you can select the grade rate from the ones that have been defined as grade rates.
  • Attach a Gratuity Salary formula, in the Employer Gratuity Details card. The value returned by this formula is used to take the base monthly salary for this allowance if you have entered value of input value Rate value to be used as Percent.
  • Create range values for the seeded calculation value definition details Maximum Transport Allowance, Minimum Transport Allowance. In the value field of the range value, you must enter minimum or maximum depending on the marital status. These values are used to get the allowance amounts if you have entered value of input value Rate value to be used as Percent.