Automatically Publish Budgets in a Workforce Compensation Plan

You can specify whether the Start Workforce Compensation Cycle process automatically publishes budgets for manager-level budget pools. The process always publishes worker-level budget pools automatically.

Every time you run the Start Workforce Compensation Cycle process, it distributes the new or updated budget pools that have automatic publishing enabled. How the process distributes the budgets depends on how you setup key columns when you configure budget display. This setup is explained in more detail in the next chapter.

The option to automatically publish budgets also affects how managers can distribute budgets using models.

Manager-Level Budgeting

The process distributes budgets as amounts to all managers with at least one subordinate manager when you set up these configurations:

  • On the Summary tab, Table View, under Budget distribution, you can enable either the Distributed Amount or Distributed Percentage column, or both. The enabled columns appear in the top table of the budget worksheet, which shows the summary information for that primary plan manager's budget.
  • On the Detail Table tab, under Budget Distribution, enable either the Distributed Amount or Distributed Percentage column, or both. The enabled columns appear in the bottom table on the budget worksheet. The table shows the budget information for each manager reporting to the primary plan manager.
  • Optionally configure the column properties of only one of these four summary and detail columns to set a default value.

Worker-Level Budgeting

The process distributes budgets as amounts or percentages at the worker level when you set up these configurations.

  • On the Worker List tab, under Budget, enable either the Budget Amount or Budget Percentage column, or both.
  • Optionally configure the column properties of only one of these columns to set a default value.

The manager-level budgets are the sum of the individual worker budgets.


If you configure models for the workforce compensation plan and enable automatic budget publishing, managers can publish budgets as part of their modeling. If you configure models but don't enable automatic budget publishing, managers can still use models to publish budgets. They have to take the extra step of going to the budget and publishing the model changes there.