Create a Benefits Category

This example demonstrates how to create a benefits category that includes medical, dental, vision, disability insurance, and life insurance. The following table summarizes key decisions for the compensation items in this scenario.

Decision to Consider

First Item

Second Item

What compensation does the item represent?

Worker contribution for medical benefit

Company contribution for medical benefit

What is the source type?

Payroll element

Payroll element

What is the legislative data group?



The following table summarizes key decisions for the category in this scenario.

Decision to Consider

Category in This Example

What is the category type?


Display category details in the statement at what level?

Display details of item rows on separate pages that viewers drill to for details.

Add items? (Describe)

Yes: Both worker and company contributions for medical, dental, vision, disability insurance, and life insurance benefits.

Add other categories as subcategories? Describe


Display graphs? (No or Yes?) One or two? What type?

Yes. Two: Stacked bar and pie chart.

Hide or edit any columns in the category?


Display the row if values are zero in the period?


Create items for medical insurance, then create a benefits category and attach the items you created along with eight existing benefits items and configure display options. Use the default values except where otherwise indicated.


  1. Create the following payroll elements using the USA legislative data group.

    • Medical Worker Contribution

    • Medical Company Contribution

  2. Create the following compensation items using payroll elements in the USA legislative data group:

    • Dental Worker Contribution

    • Dental Company Contribution

    • Vision Worker Contribution

    • Vision Company Contribution

    • Disability Worker Contribution

    • Disability Company Contribution

    • Life Insurance Worker Contribution

    • Life Insurance Company Contribution

Creating a Compensation Item

Use the default values except where indicated.

  1. In the Compensation work area, click Manage Compensation Items to open the Manage Compensation Items page.

  2. Click Create.

  3. On the Create Compensation Item page, complete the fields as shown in this table:



    Item Name

    Medical Worker Contribution

    Source Type

    Element entry

    Legislative Data Group


    Payroll Element

    Medical Worker Contribution

    Input Value

    Pay Value

  4. Click Save and Create Another.

  5. On the Create Compensation Item page, complete the fields as shown in this table:



    Item Name

    Medical Company Contribution

    Source Type

    Element entry

    Legislative Data Group


    Payroll Element

    Medical Company Contribution

    Input Value

    Pay Value

  6. Click Save and Close.

Entering Category Details and Adding Items

  1. In the Compensation work area, click Manage Compensation Categories to open the Manage Compensation Categories page.

  2. Click Create.

  3. On the Create Compensation Categories page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.





    Category Type


  4. Click Continue.

  5. On the Create Category page, Table tab, select Viewers drill into line items to see details in the Level of Detail field.

  6. Click Add Items five times to add five new rows.

  7. Complete the fields for each new row, entering a name and description of the category row and selecting compensation items for each contribution column in the category, as shown in this table.



    Your Contribution (Items)

    Company Contribution (Items)


    Amounts reflect your coverage.

    Medical Worker Contribution

    Medical Company Contribution


    Amounts reflect your coverage.

    Dental Worker Contribution

    Dental Company Contribution


    Amounts reflect your coverage.

    Vision Worker Contribution

    Vision Company Contribution

    Disability Insurance

    LTD provides income protection.

    Disability Worker Contribution

    Disability Company Contribution

    Life Insurance

    Life insurance is a core benefit.

    Life Insurance Worker Contribution

    Life Insurance Company Contribution

Configuring Display Options.

  1. Select the Graphs tab.

  2. Complete the fields for two graphs, as shown in this table.


    Value for the First Graph

    Value for the Second Graph

    Graph Title

    Employee Versus Company Contributions

    Total Contribution Comparison

    Graph Type



    Graph Items

    Your Contribution, Company Contribution

    Your Contribution, Company Contribution

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click OK in the confirmation.

  5. Select the Descriptive Text tab.

  6. Enter any text here to describe what is included in this category or details about policies, and format it appropriately.

  7. Click Reorder Components at the top of the page.

  8. Select Descriptive Text and click the downward arrow until Descriptive Text appears below Graphs.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Save and Close.