Create a Stock History Category

This example demonstrates how to create a stock history category for nonqualified stock options with vesting information. You create a stock history category and configure column visibility and graphs.

The following table summarizes key decisions for the category in this scenario.

Decision to Consider

Category in This Example

What's the category type?

Stock History

Display category details in the statement at what level?

Viewers see all details on one page.

Display graphs? How many? What type?


  • One Pie to display Nonmonetary (Shares)
  • Oone Bar to display Monetary (Estimated Values

Hide or edit any columns in the category?

Accept most default column visibility settings. Make some adjustments to visibility of vested share columns and grant number. Edit some column labels for display on the statement.

Task Summary

To create the stock history category, complete the following tasks:

  1. Create a stock history category and configure the columns.

  2. Configure the display options.

The Stock Details table must contain stock data. Use the default values except where otherwise indicated.

Entering Category Details and Configuring Columns

  1. Click the Manage Compensation Categories task.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.




    Stock History

    Category Type

    Stock History

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Select Non-Qualified Stock Option in the Grant Type field.

  6. Edit the column labels and availability of column types, as shown in this table, using the default values of columns not listed.


    Column Type

    Column Label

    Available for Displayin Online Statement


    Original Grant Date

    Grant Date

    (Use default)


    Grant Number

    (Use default)



    Original Value at Grant

    Grant Value

    (Use default)


    Estimated Market Value of Total Shares

    Estimated Market Value

    (Use default)


    Vested Shares

    (Use default)



    Exercised Shares

    (Use default)



    Estimated Gain from Vested Shares

    (Use default)


    25 Exercise Date (Use default) Select

Configuring Display Options.

  1. Select the Graphs tab.

  2. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.


    Value for the First Graph

    Graph Title

    Vested Versus Unvested Shares

    Graph Type


    Nonmonetary Graph Items

    Vested Shares, Unvested Shares

    Graph Title Estimated Values
    Graph Type Bar
    Monetary Graph Items Estimated Market Value of Total Shares, Estimated Gain from Vested Shares
  3. Click Save.

  4. Click OK in the confirmation.

  5. Select the Descriptive Text tab.

  6. Enter any text here to describe what's included in this category or details about policies, and format it appropriately.

  7. Click Reorder Components at the top of the page.

  8. Select Descriptive Text and click the downward arrow until Descriptive Text appears below Graphs.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Save and Close.