Header and Message Text for All Workforce Compensation Plan Notifications

Here's the header and message text for each notification for a workforce compensation plan. You can enable these notifications using the Configure Global Settings task. The notification name identifies the manager action that sends the notification.

You can't change the header and message text.

Notification Header Text Message Text
Budget Published Compensation Budget Published for {manager who received the budget} ({budget amount} {currency code}) {manager who published the budget} published a budget to you for the plan {plan name}. You can publish budgets to lower managers or begin allocating compensation.
Worksheet Submitted Approval of {plan name} for {submitting manager} {submitting manager} submitted {plan name} worksheet for approval. Review it and take the appropriate approval action.
Worksheet Returned for Correction Your {plan name} Worksheet is Returned for Correction {submitting manager} returned your worksheet for correction. Review it, make the necessary changes, and resubmit for approval
Worksheet Approved by Higher Manager Your {plan name} Worksheet is Approved Your worksheet was approved by {approving manager}. It is still in the approval process until final approval is obtained.
Final Approval Obtained {plan name} Worksheet is Fully Approved Your worksheet has obtained final approval.
Plan Access Changed {plan name} Worksheet Access Was Changed Your access to the plan and cycle was changed.
Worksheet Withdrawn {plan name} Worksheet was Withdrawn by {manager name} {withdrawing manager} withdrew the {plan name} worksheet. {withdrawing manager} will resubmit the worksheet when it is ready for your approval.
Budget Withdrawn Compensation Budget Withdrawn by {manager name} {manager name} withdrew your budget for {plan name}. Your worksheet will display a zero available budget.
Due Date Changed {plan name} Worksheet Due Date Changed Your due date changed. Submit your worksheet on or before the new due date shown.
Worksheet Overridden by Higher Manager Your {plan name} Worksheet was Modified by {manager name} Compensation allocations for one or more of your workers was overridden by {manager name}. View details of the override from the plan worksheet.
Request for Information Information Request from {manager name} Regarding {plan name} {manager name} requested additional information about your worksheet. Review the comments and provide a response.
Eligibility Change Eligibility Change Requested by {manager name} ({worker name}) {manager name} requested to change worker eligibility for the plan or component. Review the request and take the appropriate action
Worker Reassignments Worker Reassignment Requested by {manager name} ({plan name}) {manager name} requested to reassign the following workers to your worksheet. The reassignment is only effective for the plan and cycle shown and does not affect the manager relationship in worker employment records. Review the request and take the appropriate action

Delegate Worker

Used to notify managers only

Workers Added to Your Compensation Worksheet No predefined text.

Remove Worker Delegation

Used to notify managers only

Workers Removed from Your Compensation Worksheet No predefined text.

Delegate Worker

Used when approval is required

Worker Delegation Requested by {0} ({1}) The following workers will be added to your compensation worksheet.

Remove Worker Delegation

Used when approval is required

Worker Delegation Removal Requested by {0} ({1}) The following workers will be removed from your compensation worksheet.