How Managers Can Centrally Manage and Store Compensation Change Statements

Managers can generate an individual compensation change statement for each of their people and provide them a copy.

You can also enable people to access the centrally stored statements from their compensation pages unless processing made the statements visible to only administrators and managers. Again, depending on the process configuration, managers can view and print the statements.

Here are the other options you can set if you centrally manage and store statements:

Option Description
Let managers control when to release the statements to their people Enable the Allow staggered release of statements option. For example, your policy is to have managers meet with their people to discuss their compensation changes before releasing the statements. If individuals have more than one statement available to them, then their manager has to release each statement separately.
Automatically delete the statements from storage Set the Days Until Expiration option. For example, your organization has a 90-day retention policy, so you set the expiration to 90. Individuals can save their statements if they want to access them after 90 days. Administrators can override this expiration as appropriate, using the Update Expiration option when they run the Process Workforce Compensation Change Statement process.
Show everyone the same statement name in the plan Set a global statement name. For example, the template display names identify the template language, such as 2021 Compensation and Performance Changes Spanish or 2021 Compensation and Performance Changes French. Or you want everyone to see the same statement name in the corporate language, for example, 2021 Compensation and Performance Changes.

Compensation administrators configure and run the Process Workforce Compensation Change Statement process to generate and store these changes statements. They run the process according to organizational policies, such as at the end of the workforce compensation cycle, when all changes are finished and approved.