Include Models in Task Worksheets

Here's the basic process to include models in the task worksheets and reports of a workforce compensation plan:

  1. Enable a task worksheet using the Configure Worksheet Display task.
  2. Enable Models actions, such as Model - Create Model, Model - Open Model, and Model - Apply Model, using the Configure Task Layout icon.
  3. Enable model access, sharing restrictions, usage, and allocation methods using the Configure Models task. All of the settings that you enable appear on the worksheet and report Filters dialog box. You can't enable different filters for different worksheets and reports in the same plan. You can elect to not complete step 2 for various worksheets.
  4. Enable the modeling criteria you want to let people select from, such as Country and Job using the Configure Report Dimensions and Modeling Criteria task. You can use delivered dimensions and define your own dimensions using delivered job attributes, grade attributes, user-defined worksheet columns, and compensation attributes.