Options to Configure Workforce Compensation Plan Hierarchies

To give multiple managers different levels of access to the same people, you can configure up to three hierarchies for a single workforce compensation plan.


To build the management and optional reviewers hierarchies for each plan worksheet, you select a source. You need to select a source for the primary hierarchy, even if you don't configure secondary or reviewers hierarchies.

Source Option How It Determines the Management Hierarchy
Primary Manager Hierarchy

Uses the primary manager associated with each person's assignment

To use the new HCM position management structure instead of primary managers, sync the position managers with people's assignments. Then select this source. As position managers change, you need to sync the managers and assignments again. Then run the Refresh Workforce Compensation Data process.

Other Manager Hierarchy

Uses the specified manager type associated with each person's assignment, such as project, resource, or regional manager

To use this hierarchy instead of primary managers, make sure that the manager type you select is on people's assignments. If the managers with that manager type change during an open cycle, you need to update the assignments. Then run the Refresh Workforce Compensation Data process.

Formula Uses the specified hierarchy determination fast formula
Position Tree

Uses the structure of the specified position tree

For this source to determine the correct hierarchy, you need to sync position managers to people's assignments. Then use the primary line manager hierarchy.

Department Tree Uses the manager defined for the specified department tree

Missing Managers

You can specify how to handle people who don't have a manager. The available options vary depending on the selected source.

Missing Relationships

You can record missing relationships in the log files for the Start Workforce Compensation Cycle and Refresh Workforce Compensation Data processes. When you select this option, the processes include hierarchy breaks in the log files, for example, when a plan manager doesn't have a manager. Or when an individual doesn't have a primary manager on their assignment. You want to correct hierarchy breaks so workforce compensation plans roll up properly and include all eligible individuals.

Default Access Level

You decide the update and access levels for managers by selecting a default access level or by using a formula. You might use a formula when you want to set up different access to different sets of managers. For example, you select a formula that lets only managers at or above Grade M4 make updates. It also specifies that all other managers in the source hierarchy get no access.

Changing the access level doesn't change the hierarchy.

Caution: If you select Refresh default access level when you run the refresh data process and access changes, the next time the refresh process runs, it resets access to the default.