Ways to Configure Statement Text

You can format the change statement template to display text exactly how you want.

Text Format Description Example
Display Text Always To include text with no conditions, you can simply copy the variable from the All Attributes Template.rtf for the column you want to display, and paste it into your template.

In this example, you are displaying the worker’s first and last name, their worker number, Custom Text Column 1 which, has been configured to display the division, and the primary manager’s name. The Worker’s name will be in bold in the generated statement.


Employee ID: <?WORKER_NUMBER?>

Job Title: <?CURRENT_JOB?>

Display Text Conditionally You can make a sentence, paragraph, or region of the page display conditionally based on workers meeting certain criteria.

The Award Amount: along with the actual monetary value will only be displayed if the Compensation Amount column for component 1 is not equal to zero. The variable name that represents the worksheet column is the text between the < and >, and syntax before and after create the condition. <?end if?> defines the end of the conditional statement.


<?end if?>

You can display text conditionally if a worksheet column value is not null. In this example, the sentence only appears if the Proposed Job Title field is not null for the worker.

Important: The correct syntax is two single quotes, not a single double quote.

<?if: New_Job !=’’ ?>You are being promoted to <?NEW_JOB?> as of January 1, 2012.

<?end if?>

You can also display or hide an entire sentence or paragraph. The below paragraph will only appear in the statement if the worker was given a new job, position or grade during the compensation cycle.

<?if:NEW_JOB!=’’ or NEW_POSITION!=’’ or NEW_GRADE!=’’?>We recognize and thank you for your hard work and contribution towards the company’s success. As of <?PROMOTION_DATE?, you are being promoted. <?if@inlines:NEW_JOB!=’’?>Your new job title is <?NEW_JOB?>.<?end if?><?if@inlines:NEW_POSITION!=’’?>Your new position is <?NEW_POSITION?>. <?end if?><?if@inlines:NEW_GRADE!=’’?>Your new grade is <?NEW_GRADE?>.

<?end if?>