Adjust Individual Balances for the US

There are three methods for adjusting individual balances.

  • Adjust Individual Balances task

  • Person Results task

  • Balance Results task

After performing the adjustment, verify it with the Payroll Process Results task.

For further info, see the following sections.

Adjust Individual Balances Task

Use the Adjust Individual Balances task to:

  • Adjust balances for elements that you have processed during:

    • Payroll run

    • Balance initialization

  • Create balance results for elements that haven't been processed during either of those operations

  • Correct balance tax dimensions or tax jurisdictions

To use this method:

  1. Start the Adjust Individual Balances task.

  2. Search for and select the person.

  3. Enter the appropriate effective date.

    Enter an effective date between the start and end dates of the pay period, as defined by the time periods on the payroll definition.

  4. Select the element to adjust.

  5. Select the assignment number, if applicable.

  6. For elements at the assignment level, if multiple assignments exist for the employee, select the appropriate value for adjustment.

  7. Enter the appropriate balance adjustments in Adjustment Values.

    The available input values depend on the type of element you selected. For example, elements using the Earnings primary classification have State, County, and City input values. Tax elements also use the geography as an input value.

    Based on the region appropriate to the element, some input values are required.

    Note: When you upload your geography info using HCM Data Loader, it applies the internal context names to the values.

    If the element is at this level

    You must set these values

    Internal context names



















    School District


    School District



    Note: If you don't provide adjustment values for these input values, the adjustment won't generate valid results.For example, if you're adjusting an element for California, you must enter CA as the adjustment value for the State input value. If you don't, the adjustment doesn't generate values for California.
  8. In Costing and Payment Details, select the appropriate options based on your organizational needs.

    Field name

    What you select

    Include adjustment in payment balance

    Select Yes if you require the adjustment:

    1. Result in a refunded or deducted payment

    2. Be processed in the payment process

    Include adjustment in costing process

    Select Yes to calculate the costing details of an individual balance adjustment as soon as you process the balance adjustment.

  9. Click Submit and then OK.

Person Results Task

Use the Person Results task when you need to adjust element entries that:

  1. Are already associated with a person

  2. Their contexts don't require updates

Note: Don't use this method if:In these cases, use the Adjust Individual Balances task. For further info, see the previous section.

To use this method:

  1. In My Client Groups, click Person Management.

  2. Search for and select the person requiring the adjustment.

  3. Click Employee More Information, and select Payroll.

  4. Click Adjust Individual Balances.

  5. Within the Manage Balance Adjustments page, select the relevant element.

  6. Enter the corrected amount.

  7. Click Submit.

Adjust Balances Action

Use Adjust Balances on the Balance Results page when you need to adjust element entries that:

  1. Are already associated with a person

  2. Have contexts that don't require updates

To use this method:

  1. In My Client Groups, click Person Management.

  2. Search for and select the person requiring the adjustment.

  3. Click Person Results.

  4. Click Balance Results.

  5. Select Adjust Individual Balances from Actions.

  6. On the Manage Balance Adjustments page, select the relevant element.

    You can use Assignment to perform the adjustment on a specific assignment when:

    1. The element was defined at the assignment level.

    2. The employee has multiple assignments.

  7. Enter the corrected amount.

  8. Click Add to perform additional adjustments for the same person.

    You can add multiple adjustments for:

    • Same element

    • Different elements with different balance contexts

  9. Click Submit.

Verify the Adjustment

After making the adjustments, use the Payroll Process Results task to verify the correct adjusted values.

If you set the adjustment to be refunded in the employee's payment, the payment amount includes the adjusted amount.

You can verify the amount in the employee's payment once a prepayment process runs for an effective date that includes the date of the adjustment.

For further info, see Verify the Results of a Balance Adjustment for the US in the Help Center.